Liam starts driving and he blasts some music. The boys rock out to it and I just stay quiet and look out the window. All the trees and beautiful homes. It's gorgeous.

We get to school. It's just a 5 minuet drive. 15 minuet walk. Liam turns his car off and the boys one by one jump out the car going over for the "popular group". I get out the car slowly contemplating if I should actually get out. But I do anyway. I walk pass my brother and his friends that don't even pay attention to me. Which is fine to be honest.

I fasten my pace and go through the big glass door leading me to all the lockers and doors to classrooms. I make my way down the corridor to my locker. And as always, there's Jonah Marais making out with someone new everyday on my locker! This time, it's Amber Miller. The queen bitch of the school! I groan to myself knowing I'm gonna have to get them to move. So I do what I had to do.

I go up to them and tap Jonah's shoulder lightly. He pulls back with lipstick smugged over his lips. Amber turns her head making her long blonde hair flick over, running down her back. "Yes?" Amber says in a rude tone. "You're on my locker!" I reply bluntly. She glares at me. "Oh sorry." Jonah says politely moving himself and Amber to the side. Amber still making eye contact at me, I open my locker and get my things and shut it. I look at Jonah who is also staring at me. "Thanks." I say walking away awkwardly.

After that little incident, I go to my first class, English. That's my favourite class. Obviously, I'm a writer. I open the door and see Mr Green, the teacher for the class. He's quite nice but a little rude at times. For good reasons of course. "Good Morning Miss Jones!" He smiles brightly while finishing writing something on the board for the next period. "Morning Mr Green." I reply taking a seat in the middle back.

Just as I get my stuff out my bag, the bell rings. Crowds of students come thru the door making there way to their seats. The loud chattering of teenagers consume my ears. I put my head down and just write things that were on my mind. Luckily, no one sits next to me.

Skip after school cuz I'm lazy!

After the last school bell went, groups of teenagers exited the school. I walk to Liam's car and see him with his friend. My brother leaning on the car talking to some girl. Probably flirting. I go to him and ruin his "moment". "Can we go home now?" I ask as his eyes turn to my grey eyes. "Hang on!" He says looking back at the girl. I roll my eyes. "Anytime now!?" I add. "Look I'll talk to you tomorrow!" The girl says looking at me disgusted. Bradley groans. "Thanks a lot buzz kill. You're so annoying!" He angrily replies. I get in the car after smirking at him evilly. I wait as the others say their goodbyes. Once their done, Liam drives me and Brad home. I get out quick and get into the house.

I go to my room and shut the door. Chucking my bag on my bed and taking my shoes off, I head over to my desk and do some homework.

Half an hour later, my door sings open revealing Bradley. "The boys and I and some other people are going to the beach. They were wondering if you anted to come??" He asked. "Umm- sure?!" I replied more like a question. "Ok, well we're leaving in 20 so be ready." He added leaving my room. I didn't reply.

I'm not really a beach type of person but if it gets me out the house, then I'll go. And I can take some cool beach photos!

I go to my closet and pic out a bathing suit.

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Daniel Seavey // Written Moments |COMPLETED|Where stories live. Discover now