Stay with me

620 21 24

*hey guys this is my first time trying to get my writing out! Let me know what you think and and if any changes should be made! Thanks!*

Chapter 1


I had never given much thought to why i chose to follow them. In my mind, I felt as if I had no choice but to.

The way they moved within the shadows dipping between houses trying to avoid the bright street lights and any person who might so happen to be out at this hour.

Yea I was that stupid person.

I had followed them down multiple streets hiding in the shadows just as they had, though it wouldn't surprise anyone to see me doing this because it was what I did normally.

There was a faint hint of rain and the clouds had formed, engulfing the moon keeping it hidden and out of sight. It was darker then most nights and the normal hostility of the neighborhood seemed silenced tonight. Things were not normal.

A bird chirped and flew above me as I watched it fly into the tree at my left.

"hmmmmm" I mumbled, while passing ahead of one of the cars parked.

I had been following them for almost 45 minutes when they had turned into the park. The park was only a woodsy area that bikers and walkers enjoyed roaming through during the day...the day.

I checked my phone it was a quarter to one, a bit passed my curfew but like my parents would notice.. They never did.

The quick snap of a branch caught my attention instantly and my eyes darted to the left. There dangling from a branch was a small cat. It's eyes were a bright florescent green and its fur was black as night. It's eyes were reflecting light off of the light post above my head.

It jumped off the branch and slowly walked towards my legs its eyes shifting in every direction as it approached.

"here kitty kitty" I called to it "come here baby".

The cat was a hands reach away when I leaned down to pet it.

"a girl shouldnt be on the streets by herself so late at night" came a light whisper from behind me.

I jumped up and whirled around to find a petite young women playing with a short strand of her hair smiling at me.

"and who the hell are you?!"

"such language from a women, not polite manners" she smiled at me.

"and I believe I asked you a question"

"and I believe I'll be going now" she turned swiftly and skipped down the pavement reminding me of a small child.

"weirdo." I smirked to myself as I turned back to the cat, who had probably scurried off into the bushes because of the psycho chick randomly popping up.

"here kitty kitty!she's all gone it's alright" I started mumbling while I was looking for the cat!

"come here ankle biter!!"

As soon as the words left my mouth I felt a giant weight crash on top of me sending me down to the ground with what ever it was still attatched! I felt hands grab hold of my wrists and pull them up behind my back. Who ever it was held my arms with one hand as they practically ripped my hair from my head while trying to push it to the side. I felt a tongue slide against my neck leaving a wet trail up to my ear. Teeth nibbled on the top of my ear pressing down hard enough I could feel the skin break.

"mmmmmmmm I told you it wasn't safe" the familiar sound of a giggle sent chills up my spine.

I could feel warm breath against my skin and I could feel a heel digging into my ankle. Never had I felt so much pain as I did now.

She chose this moment to press her heel into my ankle and I let out a long scream, now struggling to move around and break free but her strength held me down.

"scream louder I want to know the pain I'm causing you" she slammed down on my ankle as she whispered.

I was seeing stars my vision was starting to dim and I could feel the numbness start to take over my body.

"stop" came a dark voice from somewhere in the distance.

After that I felt her weight vanish, and I was pulled up into someones arms. I opened my eyes and looked up but the darkness was still coming on strong. I couldn't see anything only the bright piercing blue eyes staring right back at me.

Then I passed out.


As soon as I heard the screams I was up and running, I knew that scoping the town wouldn't end up easy. There was going to end up being some sort of dilemma.

Mia had disappeared with a few of the others to check out another area and I had assumed she'd stay with the others. I was wrong.

When I darted to the bike trail I knew something was wrong, especially when I picked up her scent again.

In the darkness she was on top of a women. Not only that but was literally torturing her. I watched for a few moments listening to her little muffled threat and I could practically feel the wave of hunger that was entrapping her in this state. Once I had heard the women's strangled scream i couldn't handle the sight anymore. I had told her to stop as I grabbed ahold of mias neck and pulled her up off the women's body.

Mias face went from joyful to angry and then twisted into shock and confusion and she quickly vanished. Hopefully going back to the group.

I stared down at the women as she laid still crumpled and defeated. I gently lowered my body down and scooped her up into my arms. I felt her whole body go rigid with pain, so I pulled her up into me and used my mind to slowly push her to sleep she didn't need to suffer anymore then she already had.

I would deal with Mia later.

I looked down at the women and the look she gave me was very cute, it was as if she was fighting the trance I had set on her. I knew it was a battle she wouldn't win but I enjoyed watching the fight.

A few minutes later I was shocked with my own stupid actions! I hadn't asked where she had lived nor did I use compulsion on her!

I literally kicked myself in the ass as I held this human in my arms, unsure where to go or who to leave her with...

"fuck me" I grumbled under my breath as I started walking to the one place I did know where to go in this town.

My place.

Mia would definitely be paying for this later in some way , I just hadn't figured it out yet.

Then it hit me and a huge smile set across my face as I stared down at the human.

With that I vanished from the trail with a human in my hands and mias punishment on my mind.

Stay with meOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora