the scary part of things

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"Ruel can you turn this off, it's getting scary." Instead of turning off the scary movie ruel turns the volume up more." Come on it's getting to the good part. But I can turn it off you know if your.... Too scared to watch the rest?" Ruel says followed by a grin." You know what let's finish it. I think your the one who's scared of it anyways." Let me rewind the time. I'm taya and I'm not from Australia but I visit there to see my dad every summer. My mum is Swedish and me and her live there. I'm usually always surrounded by my really great friends but when I get a chance to be alone I call Ruel. We had first met when my dad took me to the beach for my 10th birthday. It was August 5th a day I would never forget. I was sitting close to the waves with sand and little white shells in my hands. When I throw the sand back onto the sand and turn around there's this boy with a big bucket full of something." What's that?" He doesn't respond to me. Instead he throws the bucket filled with water in my face. I was furious so as he ran away I chased after him." Get back here!" My dad grabs me by my arm." What are ya doing?" I started crying as I sat down." The boy threw water all over me." I crossed my arms and put my head down. Two feet stood in front of me. When I looked up it was the boy." What do ya  want?" The boy sat down in front of me." I think I can let ya too handle this." My dad said as,he walked back to his beach chair." I'm sorry, I just want to play." He says actually looking sorry." It's okay but you could of asked me to play. I would of played with you." He smiles." What's your name?" He says moving a little closer." Taya, what's yours?" I start picking up chunks of sand and dropping it back down." Ruel." He started copying me."Oh that's cool." And ever since then we met at the beach every day until I had to fly back to Sweden. Now it's july 7th and were hanging out in his living room. " OH MY GODDD!!" Ruel screamed in my ear." WHATTTT!!"  He starts laughing." It's okay taya, I'm right here so the monsters don't eat you." I hit him on the shoulder and giggle." Remember when we were 16 and ya screamed like a girl because I had a clown mask on?" He turns to me and giggles." That was almost two years ago ok. Now I'm a successful musician." He always says  that." Of my god ruel." We turn off the tv and go outside in his back deck." So my birthday is coming up which is also are 8 year anniversary. What are we gonna do." He leans back on the railing." Let's go to the beach again. Why should we change it now we've been don't it for like 7 years." I nod my head." Okay let's do it." He puts his arm around my shoulder. Well at least he trys knowing how tall he is." Taya, when are you gonna admit that I've turned into a fine young man?" I laugh and push his arm off me." Just because you were spying on me while my mum said that over the phone doesn't mean I agree." He tilted his head moving in on me." Come on taya...Your not good at whispering. I heard you on the phone with your mum last weekend when you spent the night. You were like" oh ruel is so cute and so hot." We both laugh." You should really stop spying on me tho." I said blushing." Alright but on one condition." I move over to him." What do you want ruel?" He pulls out a movie that says." Texas chainsaw? Oh nooo I am not watching that." He grabbed my arm and walked into the living room." Yeah ya are." He said smiling.

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