Suddenly, the team were standing up and leaving the room. I brought myself back to reality and stood up with them, following Prentiss out.

I examined the case file at my desk, we still had 30 minutes before we left. I flicked through, trying to catch myself up. Reid was at his desk too, not doing much; but trying to act busy in case I tried to come over to him.

It was time to go and we were sitting on the plane all doing separate things. I looked over at Reid, who had just started a game of chess. I contemplated going over there and asking to play. I stood up, hesitating, but finally forcing myself to walk over there.

''Mind if I play?'' I asked

He gestured for me to sit down.

I had barely made four moves, I was shifting my focus between the board, Reid and the view from the window.

''Checkmate'' Reid said

''Wait, what?''

I looked at the board, wanting to know how he had done it.

''You've obviously never played against him before'' JJ chimed in

''Obviously not'' I replied, in shock

Reid smirked, I noticed he was also reading a book. It was the same one he had left at my apartment, but I didn't want to bring that up in front of the team. I became interested in what Hotch was doing, which wasn't much.

''We're looking for a male, possibly mid 30's'' Morgan stated

Prentiss agreed.

''He treats his victims like objects'' She added


The plane landed and Hotch announced the pairs he'd be sending us off in.

''Reid, Eve, go to the crime scene. Morgan and Prentiss will meet you there once they're done interviewing the family'' Hotch announced

''Rossi and I will go to the second crime scene and JJ, I need you to meet the sheriff'' He added

JJ nodded, leaving as Morgan and Prentiss got into their own car. Reid walked ahead, even though I was going to be driving. I played around with the keys during the short walk to the car, I turned to watch Hotch and Rossi leave.

Once we had arrived at the crime scene, Reid walked off without me. He put on his gloves and approached the body. I quickly joined up, my walk turning into a small run in case he started without me.

''I'm Dr. Reid, this is agent Iero'' He said, introducing us to the officers.

I shook their hands and bent down, as did Reid, to the body. He pulled out something from their mouth, asking me for an evidence bag. It was the first proper thing he had said to me all day. I sighed, opening it as he placed the fragment inside.

We were walking back to the car in silence, it was still awkward. Reid went to get into the car, I stepped in front of the car door; not letting him get into the car. He sighed, asking me to move out of the way.

''What's your problem?'' I asked

''I don't know what you mean''

''Oh, you don't know what I mean. So the walking out on me, ignoring me? Pretending to be busy, that's just how you usually act?'' I snapped

''I just think last night was a little weird'' He responded

''Reid, you fell asleep on my couch...that was it'' I replied, nearly laughing

''Nothing more. Plus, you're not my type'' I added

He smiled.

''So, we good?''

He nodded and I moved out of the way so he could get into the car. I got in on the other side, wondering where Prentiss and Morgan were. I got out my phone and phoned Emily.

She told me they were at the station and they wanted us to meet them there. I put the phone down and started to drive, it felt a lot less awkward between me and Reid now. I was able to do my job properly.

Reid's POV:

It had been a long day, I was tired. We got back to the BAU and Eve was still at her desk clearing up some last few pages of paperwork. I walked over, still feeling guilty for the way I had acted with her. I smiled awkwardly as I approached her.

''Eve, I...I wanted to say sorry for the way I acted with you'' I stammered

She looked up and smiled, touching my hand that was leaning on her desk.

''Dude, it's totally fine'' She replied

''I wanted to make it up to you, there's a foreign film festival and..erm'' I began

''Sure'' She said, interrupting me.

I was glad she did, I didn't think I could have finished the sentence. She grabbed her coat and I leaned over the desk and grabbed my bag that had been sitting there. I was surprised she said yes, I had acted like an idiot.

''Has Ryan tried to call you?''I asked

She shook her head.

''Nah, that's over''

''I can't even believe I dated him, he would always blow up at me over the littlest thing. Once, I put too much gravy on his roast and...he gave me a black eye. I know what you're thinking, FBI agent should be able to handle herself, but not with him'' She croaked

''Eve, you don't have to explain''

''I want to. He had a hold over me and I hated it, I always wished Hotch would come and visit me, maybe he'd see the signs and...I don't know, save me? It was stupid, when I joined the BAU, I wasn't scared anymore. Every time he'd hit me, I let it happen and now, I'm free''

She grabbed my hand, holding on tight.

''Any other guy and I would have had him on his ass in a second'' She joked

''I'm glad that you were there for me'' 

''We're all here for you'' I said

She smiled, letting go of my hand as we approached the theatre.

The Goodbye Scene (Criminal Minds Fan Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon