Stefan and Rebekah!

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Stefan and Rebekah arrived to the grill and they sat down in the first place that they saw!Matt immediately went to them and asked what would they like to drink!
Matt's Pov:Hey Stefan,Rebekah!What can I get you?
Stefan's Pov:I would like some bourbon please!
Rebekah's Pov:I would like to do shots with salt and lemon,bring at least six for a starter please!
Matt's Pov:Sure!I will be right back,with your drinks!
Stefan's Pov:Thank you Matt!(Then he left and Stefan and Rebekah were finally alone)So talk to me Rebekah!How have you been lately?Except for the fact that you feel horrible that your brothers didn't forgive you!
Rebekah's Pov:To be honest Stefan,for a while I thought that living without Klaus and Elijah will finally bring me some peace!Then soon I realized that I felt lonely and alone!Then I head about my niece,and I felt like I should be there with her,I should be helping Niklaus instead of judging him like I always do,for some reason!
Stefan's Pov:Well,you have every right to judge him Rebekah!I mean I heard stories of you and Klaus,of how you lived a thousand years next to him,and it always seemed like Klaus was the main thing in the story and you were just a supporter person in it!Then eventually I met you two in the twenties,and I saw the way he treated you at first and it was horrible,but then he started to act nicer around me and I'm guessing that's why I thought that him and I could be great friends someday and not just because we are both rippers but because of the similarity between me and him!
Rebekah's Pov:Yes there was never a doubt for the fact that back in the twenties you and Klaus were very very similar,but not anymore!You became this whole other person!I'm jealous of you because you could change your life like that,I also want to be able to change and be good!(Matt arrived with their drinks,they thanked him and he left again)
Stefan's Pov:Well I'm not gonna lie to you Rebekah,but a long time ago I had help,so that I could change!
Rebekah's Pov:What do you mean by that?Who was it?
Stefan's Pov:Her name was Lexi,she helped me to control myself when I became a ripper in the twenties,she arrived a bit late,so by the time that she found me I wiped out the town of Monterey,and that's when she arrived and helped me so that it would never happen again!It took me almost thirty years to get myself together and to be able to live on animal blood!After the wipe out I promised myself and Lexi that I would never be like that ever again,and that I will make sure to try my best to change!
Rebekah's Pov:Wow,she sounds like a very good person,where is she now?
Stefan's Pov:She is dead!Damon killed her when she visited me on my birthday last year!
Rebekah's Pov:Oh,I'm sorry!But what else could we have expected from Damon!
Stefan's Pov:Yeah!Lexi was my best friend and she was also my savior!If she wasn't there for me,I would probably still be the same heartless monster who I was!I owe her everything I'm right now,and as I said before,I promised her to never become a ripper again,but then your brother Klaus came into my life again,and he turned me back to being a ripper,and that's when I knew that I failed Lexi,I promised her something and I broke it!So after I was free from Klaus,the thought of Lexi helped me to return and be myself again!
Rebekah's Pov:She had a very strong influence on you Stefan,and it's understandable!I wish that I would have had a friend like that,to help me through my rough times!
Stefan's Pov:Anyway,I told you this because I wanted you to know that I was also in a bad place before and with some help of a friend I got out of it!So,if you really want to change your life and be good,or at least try to be good,then I will help you,as a friend!
Rebekah's Pov:Really?
Stefan's Pov:Yes,Rebekah!I meant what I said in the Boarding House!Everybody deserves a second chance,so you deserve it too!Thats why I will help you to be good,so that a second chance is the only new chance they will ever have to give you!I will help you so that you wouldn't destroy your second chance and I will help you so you wouldn't have to beg for a third or fourth chance!I want to be here for you Rebekah,I want to help you!
Rebekah's Pov:Thank you Stefan!You have no idea how much it means for me!
Stefan's Pov:You're welcome Rebekah!So I can see that you are done with drinking so I will take you home!
Rebekah's Pov:Sure,lets go!
Time jump,skipping the walking part!
Stefan's Pov:Here we are,the Mikaelson House,it's very pretty!
Rebekah's Pov:Yeah it is,thank you for walking home with me Stefan!
Stefan's Pov:No problem!
Rebekah's Pov:Would you like to come in?
Stefan's Pov:I would love to but I can't!I have a niece that waits for me to play with her!Every night before she goes to sleep I play with her so she would be tired!
Rebekah's Pov:I understand!You are a very good uncle Stefan and it seems like my brother Elijah is also all over the place with her!
Stefan's Pov:Yeah,Elijah is also and Uncle of Amber!
Rebekah's Pov:What?How on earth is that possible?
Stefan's Pov:At home Amber has three uncles:Me because we are blood related and then Elijah because he wanted to be a part of their new lives as a friend and Klaus because he is with Caroline!It works the same way,with the daughter of Klaus and Caroline,her name is Anna by the way!Anna unfortunately only has two uncles:Elijah because they are blood related and Damon because he is dating Elena!
Rebekah's Pov:What about you?
Stefan's Pov:Caroline doesn't really like me,and Klaus doesn't trust me,so it will take time to break the ice!By the way it works the same way with aunties!Amber has two aunties:Caroline and Hayley and Anna has two aunties:Elena and Hayley!So when you return to us,you will not just be the aunt of Anna,but you will be for Amber too!
Rebekah's Pov:Wow,that sounds really nice!My little niece Anna!She has a beautiful name!But anyway I will not bother you than,go home to your niece and have fun!
Stefan's Pov:Thank you,and you will never bother me!(Stefan starts to walk away)
Rebekah's Pov:Stefan wait!!
Stefan's Pov:Yeah?
Rebekah's Pov:Thank you again,for offering to help me!
Stefan's Pov:You're welcome Rebekah!Just give me a call when you are ready!
Rebekah's Pov:Okay!
Stefan's Pov:Good night Rebekah!
Rebekah's Pov:Good night Stefan!
With that Stefan walked home and Rebekah walked inside her house thinking how lucky she is for having a friend like Stefan!

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