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"It's beautiful. It's just beautiful." I said. I climbed a nearby tree and was able to see my aunt coming. I climbed down and started dragging Alya and Adrien along so we could be far from my aunt but before we could get very far...

"Marinette? What are you doing here so early? Wait why are there humans in the realm?" My aunt asked.

I turned to look at my aunt. "Hi aunt Kayla." I said and proceeded to tell her what happened at school.

"Marinette since they are already here and nobody knows any way to send them back they might as well see you as you truly are." My aunt whispered.

I nodded and said "Since you guys are already here my aunt believes you should see the real me." I then shrunk and let out my wings. My clothes became a dress with leggings.

 My clothes became a dress with leggings

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"You're a fairy." The class shouted. I nodded and grew back to human size.

"Sorry I never told you guys." I said.

"That was my fault. When my niece was younger I was very jealous of her and my sister. I was jealous to the point where I tried to kill my niece." Aunt Kayla said. The whole class then said that they forgive me.

"Princess your parents are in the throne room." A servant said.

"WAIT PRINCESS?!?!?!?!?!" The class shouted.

"Sorry." I said again.

"Girl you may be a fairy princess but you're still the Marinette we know and love. When I say love I mean as friends not as you know." Alya said.

"Thank you Alya. Though we need to get you guys some fake wings. If you're wondering why most fairies are scared of humans." I said.

"I still can't believe that my bestie is a fairy princess." Alya said.

Fairy princessWhere stories live. Discover now