Depuis le début

I will admit, it shocked me at first, but when I got over that, I wrapped my arms tightly around his neck, and he moved his to hug me around the lower back.

It was the most amazing kiss ever. No kiss that I have ever shared with Asher or anyone else could have compared to this. It was like that moment when your team is behind in the championship game, and you score the game-winning point in the last few seconds, or that moment when you're in Disney World, and you see the fireworks exploding in the air. Yeah, it was magical.

Pax pulled away from this kiss, and I stood there in his arms, my eyes closed, taking it all in. When I opened them, I saw Pax staring at me with a blissful smile.

"Someone enjoyed that," he teased.

"Someone sure did," I teased back.

"Please guys, no more PDA," Trixie scolded us from the car.

We both turned to look at the sassy ten-year-old, and she was shaking her head at us in shame. We both started laughing at her and, she giggled along with us.

"What did I tell you guys," she said. "It's about time you two got together. Seriously, anyone could see y'all liking each other from a mile away."

That made us both crack up again. "All righty then," I added with a giggle.

"Let's get back in the car," Pax said, unwinding his arms from behind my back. "We want to make sure we get to Cameron on time."

"Yes! Cameron," I said and hopped back into the car, and we took off.

"So, while we are still in the mood, is there anything else you would like to get off your chest?" Pax asked me after driving for a couple of minutes.

"Oh, I don't know," I replied with a sigh.

"Spill the beans," he practically orders me, which was kind of adorable. "Did you think I was kidding about what I said back there?"

"No," I said.


"I'm not sure," I replied with a laugh.

"Okay Bri, enough stalling, tell me what's up."

"The roof of the car."

"Briana," Pax said with a warning.

"Alright, alright, it's just, when this is all over, like getting Cameron and beating some bad guys and all that, where am I going to go?"

"You're going to go home of course! Why wouldn't you?"

"Well, when the police came to take me, Asher, my ex, called me a monster, and I'm worried that is all anyone will see of me when I get home."

"Oh," Pax replied. "I see. I know how you feel. I used to live in Raleigh, North Carolina, but we moved because people found out about my ability to control minds. They started calling me freak and cheater and other words like that. The worst part was I was an eleven, so it's hurtful when someone throws words like that at you in the first place, but when you aren't even out elementary school, it really hurts." He sighed. "I had to control my dad to make us leave Raleigh, and after that, I didn't use them for another five years." He glanced at me. "Not until you came along."

"Wow, I, I don't know what to say," I said, kind of laughing at myself. "It makes me feel stupid that as a sixteen-year-old, I'm acting like a crybaby when you were made fun of as an eleven-year-old."

"No, no, no, that's not why I told you that story. I want you to realize that you can trust me with anything and that we are alike, and I can help you. I'm not trying to make you feel bad, not at all."

"Okay, but what do I do?" I asked. "Everyone is still going to see me as this freakish thing."

"No one is going to see you like that," Pax said. "You're beautiful and have an amazing heart, and if people can't see that, it's their fault."

"But Asher called me a monster, everyone is going to hate me," I explained.

"Well you know what, screw him," Trixie said from the back. Crap I forgot she was in here.

I whipped around to face the little ten-year-old in the back, who I might add, had a proud grin on her face.

"Where did you hear that from," I asked. I was completely shocked to hear that from a ten-year-old.

"Oh, you know," she answered. "Around. But I'm being serious. If that jerkwad-"


"Sorry. If that butt face," she continued as I sighed to myself. I tried. "Doesn't see that your powers make you extraordinary and not a monster, then he's a reeaallyy big dumb head. And that goes for you too, Pax." With that, she curled up in the back seat and started snoring.

I turned back around and faced the front. "Well then."

"I think we just got taught by a ten-year-old," Pax said.

"I think we did," I agreed.

"But she is right. If that Asher guy can't see you for who you actually are, then he sure is missing out on one heck of a girl."

I started to blush, badly. "Thanks, Pax."

"Any time."

We sat in silence for a while, before I could feel myself starting to nod off. I didn't want to sleep, because it had to be annoying for Pax to be driving this whole time with nothing to do. So I sucked it up for a couple more minutes before he noticed.

"You should go to sleep," he told me, taking his eyes off the road only for a second to look at me. "You look tired."

"I'm not," and then I had to yawn. Curse you uncontrollable body. "Tired."

"Mmhmm," Pax said, smirking to himself. "Go to sleep Bri. I'll wake you up at eleven so you can drive."

"Well since you begged me," I said, giving in. I let my head rest against the window, and I was soon asleep.

Authors Note:
Sorry for the dramatic chapter I promise the next one will have a lot less crying in it.

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