Dad shrugged. "He kept saying how you weren't ready to make a big decision like that yet, and how you needed more time."

I raised an eyebrow. "Did he specify why he thought that?"

"He mentioned something about you having a pretty rough week, and then me coming back just revamped all the emotions regarding what happened to your mom, and that you were just too worn out."

"Oh." I gazed down at my hands, thinking the words through. "I mean, he has a point, I guess."

"He told me he loved you." Dad stated bluntly.

Despite the fact that Ben had spoken that sentence to me a million different times in a million different ways, the heat still rushed to my face, turning my ears a bright pink. "He did?"

Dad nodded, mumbling angrily. "He was trying to get in the way."

I shook my head, sighing. "Dad, he was just looking out for me."

"By attempting to prevent me from being reunited with my daughter?" Dad crossed his arms. "I don't care how scared he was, he shouldn't have interfered."


He nodded. "He said that he was scared for you, that he just wanted you to be safe and healthy, and that you wouldn't achieve either one of those things by coming here with me. Said it wasn't good for you. Said you were under too much emotional strain."

And then the guilt was washing over me again, like the waves crashing down on the sand.

Truth be told, I'd never been to the ocean—big news, I know—but I was pretty sure this was what it felt like to be sucked down by the undertow.

To be drowning, and not knowing which way was up or down or left or right.
Completely thrown off the rails.

I'd yelled at him. I'd told him to stay out of the situation. I'd told him that I might have to break up with him.

And yet he'd still pleaded with my dad for me. He'd still thought of nothing but my health and best interests.

"I..." My dad began, snapping me back to the present conversation. "I punched him."

I blinked. " what?"

He gazed at me apologetically. "I punched him."

The bruise on Ben's jaw.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," I held up my hands, trying to catch my train of thought. "You punched Ben? At the restaurant?"

"Yes." He nodded. "And I really am sorry."

"Okay," I took a deep breath, folding my hands in my lap. "You cannot just...punch people. Especially my boyfriend."

He rushed to defend himself. "I was just trying to protect you."

"From what? Him?" I crossed my arms with a smirk. "You didn't hear it from me, but the worst thing he's done in the eleven months we've been dating is kill Josh's plant. And he swears it was an accident."

"I thought he was trying to keep you from me." Dad explained. "I took him as a threat."

I shook my head. "He knew how I felt about coming to Texas. He'd never get in the way of that."

"Well, I assumed he was, and I punched him." He admitted. "I know I shouldn't have, but I did."

"What did he do about it?"

"Nothing." Dad shrugged. "He just got the food and left."

I smiled to myself. "That's my boy."

Dad raised an eyebrow.

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