on the run //Gilbert//

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I was walking through the forest when two girls came up to me. One had beautiful auburn hair and the other had some elegant curls.

"Hello," said the redhaired girl.

"hi," I answered shy.

"hi, I'm Diana Barry and this is Anne Shirly-Cuthbert," the girl with the curls said.

"With an E," Anne said

"I'm Y/N"

"Are you on your way to school?" Anne asked.

"Yes, I just moved to town, with my family" I replied
"Are you nervous?" Diana asked.
"Yeah, especially about Josie Pye or the snake as I like to call her-" I rolled my eyes, suddenly nervous about them telling Josie I said that.
Josie was my cousin and enemy. When we were babies, we were the best of friends, but as we got older she began competing with me, about everything I did. And after I moved, she would wright hateful letters to me, about she was better at everything she did.

"- please don't tell her I said that" I quickly spit out. They just laughed.
"don't worry, where do you two know each other from?" Diana asked. She was so graceful in the way she spoke.
I told them both everything.

"I feel like, we both are in the same boat, she can't stand me either" Anne giggled which also made me giggle and soon all 3 of us laughed.


When we reached the school house, Anne opened the doors and I entered, not getting to much attention, which I liked. Unfortunate Josie noticed me and gave me a hateful glare, I followed and fell into something, which caused me to drop my stuff.

"I'm really sorry" a male voice sound.

"No, I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention to where I was going," I said while picking up my stuff. I got up and he handed me my favorite book: Pride and Prejudice.

"I'm Gilbert by the way," the kind boy said.

"Hi, I'm Y/N" I replied and shook his hand.


At the first reset, I sat with Anne and read under a big tree, she found, when a group of girls came sprinting over at us. Josie in front.

"What do think you are doing talking to Gilbert Blythe?" Josie snapped. But before I could even think to answer, she began rambling again.

"Ruby has liked him for 3 and a half years now, she has dips" she pointed at a crying girl.

My only thought was why she was crying over a girl talking to a guy. He was not specially made for her; other girls could talk to him. I, of course, couldn't say that.

"I'm so sorry Ruby, I had no idea" I apologized.

"It's okay, just don't do it again" she sniffled.

"come on Ruby, let's get you fixed up. That ugly, city girl, doesn't know better" Josie said and glared at me one more time before heading inside, with the rest of the girls.   

Only a few minutes after the teacher came out, ringing the bell.

Reset where over.

I got up and followed Anne into the school house.

I sat down next to Josie, it was the seat Mr. Phillips had addressed me.

Just my luck.

In algebra class, Josie came closer to me and whispered:

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