The Contract

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It has been 5,000 years since Percy's banishment to Tartarus and he's been surviving fairly well, but then again he is now a mortal and with no scent he can't be attacked.

"Hello Perseus Jackson."

"Tartarus," Percy spat, "what the hell do you want?"

"I am here to make a deal with you Mr. Jackson," the Primordial replied, "you see in every 5,000 years there is a being that goes after sinful souls. Me and Hades must agree on the person though and I told him about you."

"Why would someone who agreed to banish me want to give me power?"

"He was banished from Olympus again," Tartarus replied, "he is hoping to gain your forgiveness by doing this."

"Will I be able to protect the ones I love with this power?" Percy asked not even hesitating, "And will you be able to control me?"

"Yes and no," Tartarus replied.

"Then I accept," Percy replied, "what do I need to do?"

"All you need to do is sign on the dotted line," Tartarus replied summoning a piece of paper and a pen before handing it to the soon to be Ghost Rider, "and then your soul will be ours and you'll have the power to protect the ones you love."

Percy froze when he heard the word 'soul'.

"Wait so I'm giving you my soul in exchange for these new powers?" he asked.

"That is the price for the powers of the Devil's Bounty Hunter," Tartarus said.

"Alright," Percy said, "give me the paper and the pen."

When Percy grabbed hold of the pen, he somehow nicked his finger and a drop of blood landed on the dotted line

"That is all I need," Tartarus said, "I also have given you full control of your powers, but you will still transform forcefully if there are too many sinful people around you."

Percy nodded and said, "Thank you Tartarus."

"No prob kid," Tartarus said, "now then you might want to train your powers for a the next 5,000 years or so. Then you can... escape from Hell."

Percy then grinned evilly as he said, "Well then, I guess I better get ready."

Timeskip 5,000 years

"I think that you'd better get going Rider," Tartarus said, "it's time for you to return to the world of the living."

Percy just looked at one of his bosses and nodded.

"And here are three gifts for you Mr. Jackson," Tartarus said snapping his fingers.

A bike appeared out of Hellfire as did a horse that looked eerily familiar and lastly a 18 year old woman appeared with volcanic black eyes and wearing huntress clothing.

"Ouranos increased her age by 3 years," Tartarus told him, "she's also your handler/partner."

"My what?" the Rider asked.

"You are unpredictable Mr. Jackson," someone said, "and I decided that for the first time ever that a Rider should have a handler/partner."

"Hades," Perseus spat out, "I thought that you hated me."

"Yes well, I hate my little brother even more," Hades replied.

"I already gave my soul to the two of them," the woman told her partner.

"Why?" Percy asked.

"So that I can protect my sisters better," she replied, "now then, do you recognize me Perseus?"

"Of course I do Zoe," Percy told her, "now then how about we leave this hell hole and reap vengeance on the world above?"

Zoe smirked at him and got on the bike and said, "Let's ride."

She then revved up the bike and turned into her rider form. While Percy jumped on the horse and went into his rider form as well.

"Good luck my Riders and may the sinful and wicked fear thy names," Tartarus said as the two Riders rode out of Hell itself and towards the world of the living."

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