I nodded. "Better that the guy be shocked when you put makeup on, rather when you take it off." That's right, Kaito was the one that taught me that. Ever since then I felt more confident about myself.

     "Yeah, that's right. So Taega, for all we know just has artificial beauty, right?"

     I smiled just a little. "Yeah."

     He playfully punched me in the shoulder. "But you - one, you're adorable. Two, you've got a heart that makes you far more attractive than Taega. It makes you glow, (Y/N). In other words, I think you're prettier than Taega."

     "I think you're just trying to make me feel better now," I said. Though, whether he was or wasn't, it was working.

     "No I am not. Just telling you the truth." Kaito got up and offered me his hand.

     I took it and he pulled me to my feet.

     "Wanna get back to training, or are you done for the day?" he asked.

     "We can keep training," I said. "But later I guess I'll have to work on the computer software Taega was supposed to-"

      Kaito cut me off. "What? No, I'm gonna do that. Don't worry about that."


     As we made our way back to the training room, I suddenly realized I'd basically been talking freely about Shoto to Kaito. Wait, does he know?! I was certain I never told him.

     "Um, Kaito? I don't know how you knew this, but-"

     "Shoto?" he said before I finished.

     I only stared at him blankly.

    "Yeah, I know. Nachika told me like two weeks ago. But I wasn't supposed to tell you I knew, so don't tell her you know that I know. Also don't tell her I told you that she told me."

     My brow wrinkled in slight confusion, and it took a few seconds to unravel his words. "I just won't tell anybody."


Next morning, (Y/N)'s POV

     After a restless night, trying to convince myself that it wasn't a big deal that Shoto and Taega went on one measly date, I got ready in the morning feeling that everything would be okay. But little did I know that my heart was going to go through one final break.

     As usual, I stopped my Mikura's house and we walked together. Being best friends, I didn't hesitate to tell her everything.

     "(Y/N), it will be okay!" she said, trying to be cheerful for my sake. "You said she didn't get back until after you went to sleep, right? And then she was gone before you left? Maybe it was a bad date! Maybe all this worry was for naught!"

     "I'm not sure," I replied. "Either way, I'd be okay with it. Honest."

     "No, you wouldn't. I know you too well, (Y/N)."

     I can't put up a convincing bluff with Mikura. She definitely did know me even better than I knew myself. Truth was, I'd be far from okay, and I was nervous as we got closer to school. I didn't want to see Shoto with Taega. I wouldn't be able to bear it.

     "You know that piece you heard me playing that one afternoon, and you said I should compete with it? Well, I auditioned yesterday and they accepted it!"

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