Chapter Two (Continued)

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After Sarah was released from the UCLA hospital, the three all took her out for a late night meal. Sarah ate, Bigi sitting next to her. They were both smiling and laughing with each other, as Paris and Prince looked at each other and smiled, knowing that their little brother finally found someone he could be with. On the ride back to their house, Sarah slept. It had been the most sleep she had gotten in days. Paris woke her, and they all went inside, slipping off their shoes and relaxing on the sofa. Paris met Bigi in the kitchen. "Why didn't you tell us you liked her?" she smirked, Bigi gave her a playful nudge and blushed. "Shut up, Paris!" He said in a hushed tone and laughed. "Well I'm glad she makes you so happy, I've never seen you this happy since dad took you to Disneyland for the first time," she chuckled. Bigi's smile turned into sadness. "I miss him.. " He lowered his head and stayed silent. Paris pat his back and sighed. "I know, but he loves us, and he will always watch over us. He's proud of you, I can tell." Bigi then smiled again. "What should I do with Sarah? Should I take her out or watch a movie? Help me out."

Paris smiled as she looked over at the sleepy girl. "I think you should make a move lil bro," she nudged him and winked. "You mean.. kiss her?" his eyes became wide, blushing even more. "Yeah, but hold her hand and stuff first, otherwise it'll be weird for you guys." Bigi nodded and thanked her. As he returned to the sofa where she was, now awake, he sat there. "So.. do you wanna watch a movie?" he looked at her. God I hope I don't screw this up..  he thought. "Sure," she said happily but still weak. "Maybe horror? Something scary, I like scary." Bigi nodded as he sifted through the DVDs and pulled out A Nightmare on Elm Street. "Is this fine?" He asked holding up the movie. Sarah's eyes lit up in excitement. "I LOVE that movie!! She wailed. He smiled wide. "Really? Me too! I love these old classics." They sat together, now eating popcorn and drinking soda. Paris and Prince leaned against the counter and watched them as they screamed at the jumpscares. "I think Bigi's got himself a girlfriend," she whispered to Prince. Prince just smiled and shook his head. "He's just like dad. He's a ladies man." He sipped a beer. 

Hours later, and another horror movie, Omer and Royal came over. "Bigi!" Royal called after him. Bigi paused the movie and ran over to Royal, who saw Sarah. "Why is she here?" He asked him distastefully. "Royal don't say anything please," he begged. Royal ignored his request and walked over to Sarah. "Get out." He took the pillow off the couch and pointed to the door. Bigi pushed him in anger. "What the fuck Bigi! We're supposed to be playing video games right now, tell that weirdo to leave." Sarah stood up, near the door. "No. Sarah please don't leave. Royal we can still play Xbox, but right now I'm chilling with Sarah. Can it wait just for a few more hours?" "No! THIS IS ALL HER FAULT! IF YOU DIDN'T HANG OUT WITH THAT FREAK THEN WE'D BE HANGING OUT RIGHT NOW." Royal yelled. "Is that what this is all just about? This girl has been beaten up by guys. She gets bullied everyday and you are too fucking stupid to realize she has feelings too!" Bigi began to cry as he continued. "You don't know what it's like for her. Everyday she gets harassed and tormented for nothing. So if you can't accept that, then you can leave." Bigi opened the door for Royal as he stomped out. Sarah, still standing at the door stared at him. "Come sit back down," he said softly. "Why?" She asked. "Because I want to spend time with you, you're not going anywhere. Stay here with me please." 

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