Chapter 2. the first robot take over

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Screaming everywhere. The robots may look human and beautiful, but there not. All you  can hear is screaming. Nobody can save us!! people where Dying.  people thought this was the end of the world. One person tried pouring water on the robot.. that didn't work.  a little girl in a hoodie showed up. Short, pink hair, Brown eyes. she walked up to this robot blonde hair blue eyes and said "Hey! You! STOP IT!" the robot immediately turned around . and smiled, put her hand on the girl's head, and said "You think you can stop me little girl? All humans will be taken to the lab to be turned into something greater.  something smarter. something more powerful. SOMETHING Robotic"  The robot grabbed her hand. and walked away with her  "filthy robot" the girl  said in a sassy voice The robot turned around in shock and the little girl looked up at her with a knife smiling and she quickly STABBED the the robot, She did the same for every robot until they were gone.  and she walked away and whispered "My name, Is Mary, Not little girl" She put back  on her Black hoodie and stepped away. many people tried to take credit for stopping all robots, Nobody knew the truth though. everything went back to normal, robots got cleaned up. But on one of the robots bodys there was a name, the name was Mary. Many people thought nothing of it, but some people thought some one named mary saved them. Those people were correct.

End of Chapter 2.

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