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Emerson's POV 

"You already know I'm going to ask so I'm just going to now. Did anything happen with you and Jack?" she asks all giddy and excited.

Here we go again.

So, according to Avery, Jack and I would make the perfect couple. Since middle school, she has claimed that we "have had goo-goo eyes for each other since elementary school" and she still hasn't let the shit go.

She always tells me that he looks at me and treats me differently than any other girl. However, I don't really understand what she means.

Let's just say that Jack and Johnson's friend group at school is all of the guys who would be considered to be the jocks. They are the eye candy of Westside. In my opinion, they are just a bunch of goofballs who have outstanding coordination on the basketball court.

Every girl falls at their feet and does all that they possibly can to catch their attention. They're who every girl wants to hook up with. So, you can imagine how many fake friends I've had throughout my time in high school so far.

But back to what I was saying, I don't understand why Avery has clung to this idea for so long. First of all, Jack has been with so many girls. Due to past incidents, he tries to keep all of his "chicks" clear of my path. But that's a story for another time.

Second, Jack can get any girl he wants. Therefore, if he wanted me, he could have me. He would just have to make an effort. Lastly, Jack doesn't like me like that. He never has and he never will. I'm his best friend's little sister. To him, I'm probably just a little sister that he is always there for who annoys the crap out of him from time to time. Nothing more than that.

We are really close. I just don't see how he could like me. We never really spend time alone together. But I still consider him to be my closest guy friend.

"Hello? Earth to Ems!" Avery raises her voice and snaps her fingers in front of my face.

"Huh? Sorry, I zoned out" I respond with a shocked tone.

"You were so thinking about him" she smirks at me.

"Thinking about who?"

"Jack. Finnegan. Gilinsky. That's who!" Avery says matter of factly with a toothy grin on her face.

"Stop that! No I wasn't!" I say as we stop at my locker.

"Sure you weren't" she smirks looking down at her phone as I open my locker. I grab my books for the first couple of periods and closed my locker. I look up at Avery seeing that her attention has left her phone and is focused on something down the hall behind me. She had a shocked expression on her face.

"What is it, Aves?" I begin to turn.

"It's nothing!" She quickly turned my body facing her and pulled me towards our first period class. "Come on, let's go" she says. My entire body tenses up.

"Avery, please tell me what you saw back there" I beg.

"It's not important, Ems. Don't worry about it" she sends me a reassuring smile as a signal for me to move on.

"If you say so" I respond and allow my shoulders fall and body to relax.

We walk into history class and take our seats. Jack is in the class. He sits right next to me.

Avery and I continue with small talk as we wait for the bell to ring. I'm surprised she hasn't pressured me to talk about spring break with Jack again. Speaking of, I look over to see if he had taken his seat yet, only to see his desk, as well as the one beside it, to be empty.

I Fell For You // J.G.Where stories live. Discover now