After school, Shoto's POV

     I got my things together and headed outside a few minutes after the bell rang. For some reason, I kept thinking of what (Y/N) had asked me. Am I in love with Taega? No. I physically shook my head. My heart didn't race when I saw her and I never became nervous. I liked her a lot though, I was sure of that.

     I was halfway down the street when I heard none other than Taega's voice calling me from the left.

     I looked and saw her standing in the grassy area across the street from the school. I went out of my way to see her.

     "Hi, Taega."

     "Shoto Todoroki, you look dashing today." She giggled and flattened some of my hair that was apparently standing up.

      She turned serious however, and motioned for us to go sit on a bench.

      I followed her, puzzled.

      "Shoto, I wanna ask you something. Will you listen to me?"

      "Of course I will," I replied. "What's up?"

      "I think you know this, but I think you're pretty hot and you're really nice. . .and I'd say I know you well enough now. So I was wondering if, maybe, we could go on a date? Like maybe give it a try?" She was looking down at our hands as she spoke, which were about six inches apart. I could tell that it had taken every ounce of courage for her to say it.

     I looked at her calmly as I thought of a response. A date? So basically she was asking if I'd be her boyfriend. Surprisingly, I didn't have to take a long time to come to a decision. What did I think about Taega and I dating? Honestly. . .I'd be okay with it.

     I smiled and placed my hand on hers, which made her look up. "Where would you like to go?"


Later, at the agency. Kaito's POV

     (Y/N) and I went to the training room once she returned from school. Together we went at it with the punching bag, and I coached her on her technique.

     "Make sure you keep your core steady," I said as I watched her land a double punch-kick combination.

     "I guess I'm a little out of practice with this," she answered as she tried again. "With everything going on at school, all my work here kind of took a back seat."

     I remembered what Nachika had told me, about the boy named Shoto. I couldn't help but assume that 'everything going on at school' revolved around him. I wished I could talk to her about it, but then Nachika had told me to keep silent. "You'll catch on again," I said instead. "It's no big deal, sis."

     She laughed a little. "Thanks, bro."

     That was the way she laughed all the time now. Just a little, and it was forced. (Y/N) was never one to talk to us much, but I hated seeing her suffer like this. I couldn't remember the last time she'd laughed with her whole heart. Are you okay, (Y/N)?

     She hit the bag hard with a flying torpedo kick, which made it almost knock me over had I not dodged it.

     "Well, that looked good," I said. "You nail that one every time."

     "It's my favorite," she responded. "It makes me feel like a ninja or something."

     "Maybe it's time you tried it from and elevated position," I suggested.  "It's way more powerful if it comes from above."

     "Yeah! That sounds awesome!"

     We were just about to practice our combat skills on each other when Taega joined us, bursting through the doors as if she were on the red carpet. She was on the phone.


(Y/N)'s POV

     Taega walked by us, talking on her phone as if we weren't even there.

     "I'm gonna have to go back to the school and return the books our teacher let me borrow for a report," she was saying.

     Being particularly paranoid, I couldn't help but listen closely to who might be on the other end of the line. Of course, I already had a pretty good idea.

     "Is that where I should pick you up, then?" the voice that was all too familiar said.

     "Yeah," Taega agreed, "I'll be waiting for you at six. Sound good?"

     "Yeah, that sounds good. I'll see you then, Taega."

     She ended the call and slid her phone into her pocket. She glanced from me to Kaito, who was also staring at her.

     "What?" she rudely spat to Kaito. Then she turned to me.

     "(Y/N), I know there's a computer software I'm supposed to tune up tonight, but Shoto and I are going out so I was wondering if you could do it for me? If you do I promise to bring back some food for you." She said it as if I was a small child, even a kitten or something.

     "Why would I want anything you had to give me?" I sounded like a rattlesnake, the warning rattle having gone on for a while now. However, I wasn't about to lash out on her. I was too hurt for that. The pain in my chest was almost too much to bear. Shoto is taking Taega . . . on a date.

     I took off my gloves and picked up the bag with my work-out stuff. I didn't want to do this any longer. Without a word, I ran out of the training room.


And that was the unkindest cut of all. . .

Anyways, sorry this chapter was a little harsh but please don't let it turn you against Shoto in any way. If anything, you'll come to the conclusion that he still doesn't know how to listen to his heart. 

As always, thank you so much for reading, commenting, and voting :P

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