"Oh." I simply said.

"Follow the leader." He said holding my hand directing me towards the dinning room which was beautifully decorated for two.

" He said holding my hand directing me towards the dinning room which was beautifully decorated for two

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(Just imagine that's Zayn's dinning room, or something.)

"It's beautiful." I said.

He led me to my sit, letting go of my hand to pull my sit,
Missed it,
The spark that went through my body every second as our body touched,
I missed that.

I sat down , and he sat opposite me, looking at me, like as if, if the price tag on me required him to sell every thing he has gotten including his own life to get me, he would do it in a heart bit, just thinking of that got me blushing.

"So, how was it at school?!" I asked to break, what was either a staring contest or admiration from both of us.

"It was great, 6 students asked me out in a week , new record" He said smiling casually.

"They did what?!" I almost chocked on my Chinese food.

"Asked me out." He repeated in a duh tone.

"I heard that, why?!" I questioned .

"Two actually thought I was just a college student working at their school for extra credits." He said.

"Enough about me, now how has the most amazing person on this planet been doing." He asked

"Great Actually myexshowedupatmyhousetodayandicuddledheriptosleepbecauseshekilledsomeone." I said so quick that even my mind couldn't comprehend what I said , and I knew Niaz didn't either.

He chuckled a bit looking up at me, "love, say that again in slow motion." He simply said.

"I have been great, just missing you as crazy." I declared.

Dinner was then spend with small talks, meaningless to most, but with great meaning to him and I .

After dinner we cuddled watching some sappy television show neither of us paid attention to.

We were making out, and sounds coming from the television show became a mere background sound as Niaz' lips connected with my shoulder, and I knew I was a gonner.

That night, Niaz carried me carefully to his room, like I was a piece of the finest art out there.

He held me closely in his arms, as he made love to me, it was slow and passionate,
The kind of passion, I have never experienced before, not with Selena, Louis, or anyone I have never been with.

I woke with to the quiet humming of a beautiful melody, from a beautiful voice.

I opened my eyes, and Niaz was sat not far away from me, with a painting board in front of him, pencils and paints of different colors by him, he was focused on what he was painting, and he looked hot.

I pulled out my phone from my pants which laying aimlessly at the ground next to the bed, and snapped a picture,

My boy friend just sitting there fondly, in his boxer, shirtless, doing something he loves,
He was beautiful in every way,

And I was the tainted one, I sighed, knowing perfectly Louis was right, if I want to protect him, I have to break up with him eventually.

"Hello love." He spoke

"I didn't want to disturb you ." I smiled to him.

"How can I not lose focus when my model has moved?!" He asked.

"Are you painting me?!" I asked

"Were, I'm done now, wanna see?!" He asked.

I got out of bed, tagging the blanket with me, because I was as naked as a newly born baby.

I stood besides him and examined the painting, I was laid in a bed, not this bed, but a much bigger bed, covered in red duvet , there were furniture all over the place neatly organised.

The duvet covered my lower part mostly my V line could clearly be seen .
And I saw something too, a shadow of a man by the window side.

"You like it?!" He asked me

"It's beautiful." I replied. "I love it."

"I love you." He said, "I know it might be cre-" I cut him short connecting out lips together.

"I love you." I said as I broke the kiss.


I feel like noone is liking this story,

Please leave me your feedback so I can know if you like it or not, and also help me improve it okay ?!


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