Chapter 2

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Cassie's POV

30 minutes later

I was still folding towels, and trying to calm down from my encounter with Adam, when Dan came in to the room.

He smirked at me, touching a towel. "I saw that whole exchange out was quite awkward there, Cassie."

I glared at him, raising an eyebrow. "I don't know, maybe if you would have warned me ahead of time, I wouldn't of looked like such an idiot in front of him..seriously though, MAROON 5 are the special guests that were checking in at 6:30?!"

Dan laughed, crossing his arms. "Obviously, but I didn't want chaos to ensue if people knew they were staying at this particular hotel."

I chuckled, "Oh, really? More chaos than what happened out there? Because that was chaotic..either way, I have one friend: who was I gonna tell??"

This time it was Dan's turn to chuckle. "Cassandra, I know how you are. You woulda lost your mind, and you know it."

I let out a breath, looking down at the floor, then back up at Dan, an innocent look on my face. "Yeah, well--"

My sentence was cut off by the ringing of the front desk phone. I smirked at Dan, "Duty calls."

He rolled his eyes playfully, before exiting the towel room, and answering the phone.

I went back to folding towels, until Dan came back in.

I couldn't really read his face, but I could tell something was amiss.

I rose an eyebrow. "What?"

"A customer is in need of towels, my dear Cassie."

I grabbed a newly folded set, and smiled. "Okay, what room?"

"Room 222." Dan replied.

I smirked at Dan, before walking out of the towel room, yelling behind me, "See, I'm perfectly fine!"


As the elevator let out the last ding as it reached the second floor, I adjusted my hold on the towels and stepped out.

I walked down the hall, my eyes scanning every room until they landed on 222. I knocked twice, waiting for the door to open.

A second later, the door opened, with a smiling Adam Levine behind it.

I didn't have enough time to be in shock, let alone filter my words, because I said the first thing that came to mind, "YOU ordered the towels?!"

He let out a sweet laugh, "Um, yeah. Aren't I entitled to a few towels?"

I looked down at my feet, embarrassed. "I guess, but.."

I could feel Adam looking at me, so I picked my head up, only for him to then stare directly into my eyes.

"Plus I wanted to see you again. You're really beautiful, Cassie." He spoke with a smile.

My heart started racing, and my mind was a blurry mess. Adam Levine thought I was beautiful? And he wanted to see me again, so he ordered towels? I couldn't even focus on anything else but his adorable dimples.

"Come in." He said after a second, gesturing towards the room.

I took a slight breath, and walked inside.

"Put the towels anywhere you want." He spoke from behind me, as I heard him shut the door.

I placed the towels on the untouched bed, and turned around, facing him.

"Okay! There ya go...if you need anything else just phone down to the front desk, and we'll take care of it."

I turned to leave, when I felt Adam slightly grab my wrist.

"You should stay for a while." he said, smiling at me again.

I smiled back. "I would, but I really have to get back to work-"

Adam looked a little upset, but then his face changed.

"When do you get off work?" he asked.

"Like 30" I asked, slowly.

"Come to the show tonight. I'm personally inviting you. I can give you tickets and anything else you are a fan of the band right?"

I chuckled lightly, smiling. "Yeah, I am, but--"

"It's settled then.." Adam replied.

I held up my hand. "Wait, wait, wait. You just met me an hour ago, and now you're  inviting me to your concert tonight, just like that? You don't even know me."

Adam gave me a genuine smile. "Well, I would like to. But since, you still have to work, I figured inviting you to the concert was the next best thing."

I smiled, meeting his eyes.

Adam smiled adorably back. "Please, Cassie?"

I tried not to blush, as I nodded. "Why not."

Adam let out a yelp, raising his hands up in victory. "Yes!!!!!"

I laughed in response. "Okay, well, I'm gonna go back to work now.."

Adam walked to the door, opening it for me. "Of hard."

I walked to the door, stepping out, and let out a chuckle. "Oh, trust me, I don't."

Adam laughed, and looked at me. "See you later, Cassie."

I smiled back. "Can't wait."

I walked away, and headed to the elevator. As soon as the doors shut, I let out an excited scream.

I can't believe this was happening. And I also couldn't believe that I was okay with this. I mean, I haven't talked to a guy since..never mind. I'm going to the Maroon 5 concert, and I was going to see Adam again.

I stepped out of the elevator, and walked over to the front desk, a stupid smile on my face.

"Well, well-, Dan started, looks like your little towel run was successful."

I rolled my eyes playfully, crossing my arms.

"Yes, it was. But once again, you didn't tell me that was Adam Levine's ROOM!!"

Dan stared at me, raising an eyebrow. "Are you really complaining?"

I smirked. "No."

Dan laughed, gesturing toward the towel room, "Okay then. Now go on, get back to work! You have 30 minutes left! No slacking!!"

I let out a short laugh, waving him off. I walked back inside of the towel room, and smiled to myself.

Yeah, 30 minutes, I thought, 30 minutes til paradise.


A/N so what did you think? Please comment, vote. Oh, and I have a pretty good idea for what will happen in the next chapter, and it constitutes as some drama...Love you guys!!! xx

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