Everything About You (Continued)

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Its 3:30 p.m and I'm almost late to meet up with Ella. Oh please its not what you think! Ella and I are just friends. We aren't meant to be. Sky on the other hand, disappointed me which effected me till this day. But anyways, who needs a life? Sky of course.

I started walking down Mulberry Street where Ella lives with friendly neighbors up ahead. I got to admit some houses look exactly the same but the difference is the shape. Now I just realize that I don't know what house Ella lives in. That's just sad right there.Not knowing where your friends live. If I find Ella I'll ask her for WiFi. Seriously I need it to keep in touch with Cameron and Samey on Kik. Talking about Samey, she's been acting strange lately. Replying on my text messages really late and how Amy steals her phone. I really don't care about Amy but Samey hasn't done anything wrong to her. I'm starting to get a bit worried, but does it mean I have to take care of Sky and Samey at the same time? Too much don't you think? Cameron said that Leshawna took care of Samey yesterday while Amy was stuck with Rodney. Somehow Amy started beating up Samey for no damn reason. That's just fucked up. Leshawna went macho on Amy and took her dowm in .5 seconds. I'm telling you Leshawna is badass.

"DAVEY!" Ella shoated from her bedroom window.

I shook my head and looked up at the house which pretty much looked like a castle. To be honset, I think Leonard and Ella share the house together. Why? maybe because Ella is Snow White while Leonard is one of those seven dwarfs. Looks logical enough but Fairy tails are Fairy tails. Deal with it.

"You came! I'm so glad because I need help on painting the walls pink!" Ella said in a cute voice.

Do I find her voice cute? Not really. She's a wannabe Princess. But enough talking, lets get into business. 

"You can't reach the top?" I asked

"No. afraid of heights" she whimpered.


Ella lead me inside her house which definitely looked like a mansion. Ella is this rich? if so, can I get the money cause I need it. Once we arrived at her room, you can see a latter, a paint brush to paint the walls, newspaper on the floor and a bit of white paint.

"Hand me the paint brush?" I asked as I started making my way up the later.

"Right here!" She jumped cheerfully handing me the paint brush.

I started painting the top right cornor of the wall and made my way to the bottom of the left cornor. It gets tiring all of a sudden. Your arms start to shake, your shoulders are extremely tired, your hands are red and all you feel is pain. As I repeat the process on other walls, Ella starts putting White Polka dots on the walls. No wonder she needed white paint. She started climbing on the latter and made her way to the very top which is very DANGEROUS. She can definitely lose her balance!

"Ella! Get down from there!" I shouted while I was panicking. Wait why am I panicking? oh right my friend is in danger of injury or death. 

"I can't I'm-" Ella trailed off as the latter lost its balance as Ella started falling from the top. I had to do something. I can't leave her like that and die! So I reached out to her and caught her. But since she was heavy due to her dress, she ended up falling on top of me which was a clumsy act. Now I really had a massive headache right there. Gosh everything went blank for 5 seconds but it was all good.

"Omg! Dave I'm sorry! I shouldn't have climbed to the very top of the latter!" Ella began to cry. Oh no please anything but crying. Its too emotional. Ella stop it like seriously don't get me into this.

"Its fine. Just stop crying. But luckily your safe because you landed on top on me which is okay" I said as I stood up and wiped myself off. "Lets finish painting the room, shall we?"

Ella nodded and I held up her paint brush while I helped her paint white polka dots. Around 6:15 p.m. the room was completed and all the stuff was put back in. Ella's bed is jumpy and royaltiy too. Princess Ella sounds a bit strange but okay. As a gift, Ella gave me candy....well chocolate hearts. I loved the taste of chocolates that I didn't realize that Samey was walking down the Pet Store.

"thanks for helping me!" Ella said as she waved goodbye

"Anytime!" I waved back as I started catching up to Samey.

Samey looked a bit annoyed. I checked my phone for messages from her but nope. never got some from her. But why is she heading towards the Pet store? I just hope Topher isn't there due to his obsession of Chris. Gosh I never understood why Chris is so....awkward. Samey was looking through the Dog Food selection and started smiling very delightful. She noticed some puppues on the cages and started petting each and every one of them. Samey is the good type of person someone can admire on. I enter the store and find her staring at me and smiling. I waved a hello as she returned with a hello wave too.

"what's new?" I asked looking at the Dog the she was petting.

"Leshawna suggested me on buying a dog I can take care of and spend most of my time on" Samey stated as she giggled.

"interesting" I said "what type of dog are you getting?"

"I'm not so sure about that" She chuckled as she petted a chihuahua. " I just need some time to get rid of my Stress"

"your stressing? because of Amy?"

"pretty much. Yesterday I was-"

"shh. I heard. I'm sorry"

"yea pretty much. Depression does take things over for a while"

Did she just say depression? Oh dear please tell me Samey isn't starting to be suicidal! Samey is a kind loving person everyone adores! Amy is in charge of this situation and I can't let anytning terrible happen to Samey. Gosh what to do....what to do.........

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