"I reckon you could say that it's... along the lines." He stutters like a kid being caught with his hands down his pants. "I ain't on good terms with a lotta people right now."

She nods slowly and her eyes look back up at him. He looks her over to make sure se isn't crying, and she isn't. But her eyebrows are pushed together and she looks highly confused. "I'd prefer you didn't hide it."

"I didn't wanna scare you off."

She laughs lightly with a bit of sarcasm and disbelief. "Curly.. I ain't stupid. Have you forgotten all those times you came to me bloodied and roughed up? I know what you and Willy do and although I don't like it.. I'm here for you. We've already been through so much now, yeah?"

She stands up and walks closer towards him, pushing a piece of hair away from his face. "Don't worry, Curly. I ain't going nowhere."

Curly can feel his cheeks getting hot and a smile tugging on his lips. His heartbeat quickens as he pulls her in for kiss, his arms wrapping around her waist. "I adore you, Daisy."

She giggles and tries to move out of his grip. "Curly! You're getting me all wet!" She shrieks.

Curly smirks once she reaches the door. "Well. It wouldn't be the first time." He says once she leaves. He could only imagine the blush she had on her face and thinking of it gives him a smile. A genuine smile.

A few hours later Curly stood out in the darkness of the night, the only light source was from the various stores opened on The Ribbon and the car lights. The cold air circled him as he stood around in the January wind. It could've been worse. He could've been in New Jersey again, starving and freezing in negative temperatures.

There weren't many people outside and he could expect that. He wasn't too thrilled to be wasting his night, standing at The Ribbon and selling in the cold but Connie and him weren't on speaking terms and he had to make money somehow, especially because he wasn't working for Jose anymore and he had to build up his own hustle. He had to make sure he was careful selling in his neighborhood because he was considered "rogue". Initially, he didn't want to come and he wasn't going to. But once Daisy told him she was going out dancing with her friend Karen (who he suspected was jealous that him and Daisy were together) he decided on going out anyway. A part of him was hoping he'd run into Jimmy again and they could go out and talk. But of course he knew he was playing with fire while selling alone and out in the open. He just needed a sign that said "ATTACK ME!" But he was trusting that a cop was sitting in the parking lot eating his donut. The worse he expected, was to spend the night in jail. Which he didn't mind all that much.

It was when Curly noticed the familiar beat up car driving down The Ribbon, he tensed and debated on whether he'd leave. He scrapped the idea quickly, instead, tightening his hands around the rusted fence and turning around to face the open field. From what he could see, he saw only Tim in the front seat, which made him relieved that no one else in the gang was there. His stomach flipped once he heard footsteps approaching him and he felt a cold sweat running down his back. He nearly flinched once he felt a hand drop onto his shoulder, giving him an awkward pat. He figured he was anticipating a good ol' smack instead.


"What you doing out here, cabron?" Tim sighs, elbows leaning on the fence and taking the same position as Curly.

Curly sunk his head lower and the familiar feeling of shame washed over him. He thought about Tim and his hours long discussions with him where he made him feel guilty and he had the famous look of disappointment over his face. He felt like he was five again, being scolded because he stole Tim's cookie before dinner. It made him nervous that Tim was here. Was he reclaiming what was "his" to make a point to Jose? Collecting his "debt"?

"I'm just working." Curly grumbled.

Tim chuckled lightly before nodding his head slowly. "Caray." He sighed. "You're quite the seller, ain't you?"

"Didn't think I could do it?" Curly asked which made Tim chuckle harshly.

"I knew you could. I knew you would."

Curly focused his eyes on his fiddling fingers, he had been doing that to help cope with his newfound anxiety he was developing. The Doctors at the reformatory would always tell him he'd act crazy when he was stressed and it was probably because of his childhood. Boy, they'd get a run for their money if they saw him now.

"When you were born. I swore I'd protect you with everything I had. I'd do anything for you and Ang."

"Why'd you kick me out?" Curly asks, lifting his head to stare into a random store. Watching as the employees wiped down the table.

Tim took in a deep breath through his nostrils, he strangely could remember his old man doing the same thing, and running his thumb over his bottom lip like Tim was doing now.

"Because I was pissed. I tried so hard to keep you from being like me but I always knew that someday you would. That you'd sell like me, get in trouble like me. I was just pissed at everyone. I thought you'd come home but.. I was wrong." He scoffed.

It was the first time Curly ever actually noticed the guilt Tim felt. He felt terrible, sick. "I fucked you up, Angie, Ma."

"We'll be alright." Curly said quickly. "You can't blame yourself for something that was her job as our mother." Curly was shocked that he was actually denouncing his mother in front of Tim, something he would never do. He'd defend her washed up honor until he turned blue in the face. It seemed that after the talk he had with her, he realized all her faults and how they contributed to the downfall of the family. And yet, he still felt pain for her. But the pain and love he felt for Tim was bigger. He was grateful.

"It's time for you to come home, carnal."

Curly shook his head quickly as he thought back to Jose and The Garcia Gang. He put his hand over that Garcia branding. He belonged to them now and he knew they didn't take it lightly if someone left the gang. You left through death and there wasn't another way. It was only a matter of time before they caught up with Curly.

"If Jose wants a war. That's what I'll give that sneaky puta. A gang is a brotherhood, not someone's property, you dig?"

"Shepard Gang doesn't need another war." Curly pointed out.

He heard from Angela and Daisy that their war between Tiber was getting even more intense, it wasn't as bad as it could be but Shepard Gang didn't need to take on another responsibility just because Curly was being a brat. He wondered what they thought about his tantrum and him running away. He wondered if they really missed it.

"We're blood, carnal. Don't forget that, si?" Tim said, nudging Curly playfully. "When you get back to the house the same rules apply. You ain't grown, dig? You're seventeen you act like it. My rules. No late time pussy, no selling speed, don't touch me beers. And listen."

Curly managed to crack a smile as he looked up at his older brother. Tim slightly smiled back and leaned off the fence, motioning for Curly to follow along. He finally felt like things were getting back to the way they should've been.

Hoodlum Tragedies (Old Version) Where stories live. Discover now