[Stiles' pov]

The one that was in the river slowly pulled him self out the running water, never breaking eye contact with the shrub we were hiding behind. I blinked and one if them were gone, I let my eyes go wide wanting to franticly look around but I couldn't.

"Were the-" suddenly Jackson was ripping threw the shrub and charging at the one who still stood at the river still.

"Werewolf" he growled baring his fangs? I scrambled to the side as Erica looked over at me and gave me a look before going to help Jackson with the red headed supernatural.

"Those idiots" I spun around and saw the same guy who disappeared momentarily was now standing behind me, smiling evilly down at me. I swallowed my fear and stood up, him not tearing his eyes away from me.

"What do you want" I growled, last thing I needed to do was show him fear. Step one in Stiles Rules of dealing with supernatural creatures: never show fear.

He didn't say anything but tilt his head to the side, staring at me. I could hear Jackson and Erica struggling with the vampire before them. I was alone in this. His stupid smirk never left his face as he took one step closer, I could feel his breathing on my face.

"What are you gonna do coward? I bet you can't even fight" I mocked him, gripping the arrow in my hand, away from his sight. His eyes narrowed, pupils dilating into slits. I gasped at the sudden lack of air, when I felt his hand wrap around my neck, he bared his teeth, lifting me off the ground. I struggled for oxygen, kicking my feet around trying to kick him.

"No one calls ME a coward" he growled, his fangs enlarging over his bottom lip.

"Stiles!" I squeezed my eyes shut and remembered the arrow I had, I tried aiming it straight for his heart. Everything went by quickly, at least that's what it felt like, everything felt like it was in slow motion.

I felt an excruciating pain in the side of my neck, I squealed , feeling my body losing blood - I had to do this now.

In one swift motion I aimed the arrow stabbing him in his stomach. He growled, dropping me to the ground and aiming sharp kicks to my sides, legs, all over. His power kicks mixed with the pain in my neck. I was useless.

"Get. Off. Him" I heard his familiar growling, in one move the vampire was on the ground, his head disconnected from his body. But that was the least of my worries, I was gasping for oxygen, my breaths coming out in short puffs. I saw black dots, even threw the darkness of the woods.

"D-Derek" I gasped, I was gripping my shirt where my lungs were just under the material. His eyes were burning red, when his eyes landed on me they returned to their soft greenish-gray. They softened and he was over to me in a flash, placing his hand over my chest.

"Derek what-" Jackson didn't finish as Derek growled at him angrily. He had broke his promise to his alpha and was going to pay if their were consequences to Stiles' wounds.

"Call the pack. Now" he growled, his eyes returning to the fire red, as he shot daggers at Jackson who ran off to call for the others.

"I don't think I'm gonna make it Der" I squeezed my eyes shut, the blood that was squirting out my neck was making me dizzy. He shook his head and placed his hands over his chest as his veins went black, he tried to take away the pain all over my body.

"Don't you say that Stiles, I'm not gonna let you" he panted, as he felt the pain his lover was feeling, and still deciding not to let go. Stiles knew he was gonna die, their was no fighting it.

"Derek, i-it hurts" I whimpered, throwing my head back in pain. His eyes glazed over with tears, the only thing he could do now was stare down at the love of his life , that was in pain.

Derek didn't like seeing Stiles in pain, he liked to see the happy, talk a lot Stiles, the annoying teenage boy, that was always going to be his, and he was going to be his sour wolf.

"I know baby, I know just keep your eyes open" he whispered, wiping away the water and blood mixed tears from his damaged face.

"Stiles? Stiles!" Scott was ripping threw the trees, when he saw his bet friend on Derek's lap, he was in hysteria. His best friend was bruised and bloody. That set him off. Who wouldn't it set off?

"Hey Scott" he tried to smile over at his friend but his smile didn't reach his eyes, it didn't even reach his face. As soon as he tried to spread out he was back at cowering in a ball in pain.

"We h-have it get him to a h-hospital n-now!" Lydia was crying, trying to get everyone to move. But no one did, they all just cried while they stared at stiles who was dying slowly.

"It's n-no use Lydia.. I'm just g-gonna die here" stiles sighed and looked up at Derek who was already staring at him with tears falling down his face. Their was never a day where things couldn't go by normally, something always had to happen and now Stiles was dying for something that happened everyday since he met Derek. But he would never regret meeting him, he loved him.

"Shhh.. Don't cry Sourwolf that w-would break your image" stiles giggled quietly, bringing a small smile to his face. Even with him dying he managed to make him smile.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you in time"

"Shut up Derek, I shouldn't have come along even if you said no, I should have li-listened to you" he wheezed, he was finally starting to die. He shushed him and pressed a hand to his chest, trying to keep him alive just a little longer.

"Shut up Stiles" Derek cried, leaning down and pressing his lips to his. He kissed his lips with such emotion, knowing this was most likely going to be the last time he kissed his warm lips. He didn't pull away until he needed to breath.

"I'm sorry you guys" he whispered, his eyes drooping with every second that past he was dying. Derek cried harder, along with Scott and Lydia. The others watched respectfully not wanting to interrupt. But they also had shed some tears.

"Tell my dad that I love him, and that I'm sorry" he croaked, he didn't wanna die, he wanted to live. And to live his life with everyone. He didn't want his dad to go threw what he had went threw when his mother died, he wanted his dad to be happy.

"I love you Derek" he let his eyes fall shut completely his breath quickening before stopping completely. His hand slipping from Derek's blood stained shirt and to the ground beside him. Everything went silent, before Derek let out a blood curling howl.

This was his way to morn over his mates death, he screamed at the sky and he held Stiles close to his chest. Everyone continued to cry, not even bothering to stop Derek not knowing how it felt to lose their mate yet.

Stiles died, and it felt like a piece of everyone died along with him.


Sorry this one was so sad .. It if it was even sad at all? It doesn't matter I'm a professional at making sad imagines and well that's probably all I could do.. But I could write fluffy and happy ones too so send in request whenever because their aren't that many sterek books out their SADLY. But MESSAGE ME

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