Just Friends

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Narrator's POV 

Olympia and Otis are such great partners, they also make a really great team together. Some might even guess that they were together, but they aren't and Olympia always gave the same answer to anyone who asked of they were which was, "We're just friends."

Olympia was working on some paperwork at her desk, of course  it wasn't her's, she already finished her own words she was helping Otis with his.

"Olympia," Otis said. "I told you that I need to do this all by my self. It's my responsibility to get this all done." 

Olympia shook her head. "As your best friend and partner, Otis, I want to help you," 

"You just wanna win Agents of the Month again, don't you?' Otis asked raising an eyebrow. 

Olympia smiled slightly. "Okay fine...I wanna win that AND help you." 

Otis smiled a small smile. "Whatever you say, partner." He said going back to working on his half of the paperwork. 

As Otis was working on paperwork his pencil holder got knocked down by someone and all of his pencils fell to the floor.  Otis bent down to pick them all up St the same time the person who accidently knocked them down did. 

"I am so sorry, I was just so amazed by this whole place that I wasn't paying any attention to where I was going," The person said going after the same pencil that Otis was. Their hands slightly touched and their faces finally met. 

"It's fine, it was an accident." Otis said finally looking at the person and then realizing that it was a girl, a beautiful one actually.

The girl blushed slightly when their hands touched, she grabbed the rest of the pencils and placed them in the holder that fell right next to her. She stood up and looked at Otis. 

"Wow, he is really cute," The girl's first thoughts were. "I'm Olia," she said taking her hand out for Otis to shake.

Otis shook her hand and looked at her. She had long black wavy hair and big brown eyes along with fair skin. 

"I'm Otis, and this is my partner Olympia," Otis said motioning over to the girl working next to him. 

"Huh?" Olympia asked hearing her name. She was so into working that she didn't notice the whole situation with Olia. 

"Hi, I'm Olia, I'm a new agent here at Odd Squad," Olia said smiling at Olympia. 

Olympia smiled at the girl. "Hi!! I'm Olympia! Oh wait, Otis already told you that, awkward..so your new at Odd Squad? Your gonna love working here just as much as I love working here! Your gonna love meeting your new partner just as much as I loved meeting Otis! You guys are probably going to have a secret handshake just like we do and have pretty odd cases..well this is Odd Squad so of course the vases are odd..." Once she started rambling, there was no stopping her. 

"Olympia!" Otis said loudly to get her attention.

Olympia shook her head a little, as if trying to get out of a daze. She looked at the confused Olia then back at Otis.  "I was rambling wasn't I?" 

Otis nodded. "Yes, you were, but it's fine, now Olia knows you ramble, which isn't a bad thing," 

Olympia smiled. "Thanks Otis!" 

Olia looked closely at the both of them together. "I'm sorry for asking but are you two, together?"

Olympia and Otis shook their heads. "No," Olympia said. "We're just friends, beat friends actually. " 

Olia smiled to herself and nodded. "Good to know," 

All three of them jumped startled when Ms.O came out of nowhere and stood right next to them. 

"Otis! I need you to show Olia around HQ and Olympia, I need you to help Oona with something in the lab," Ms.O said. 

"Ms.O, I think Olympia should show Olia around, she is way better at communicating with people then I am," Otis said. 

"Otis, you got this!" Olympia said with a smile. 

"If you say so, partner." Otis said. Olia looked at the both of them again.

"Are you guys sure, that your not together?" She asked. 

Olympia nodded. "Yup, we're just friends." 

"Okay, okay, we get it!" Ms.O yelled. "Now what are you guys waiting for? Go!" 

Olia grabbed Otis's hand then dashed into the hallway while Olympia ran tot eh lab but she she did she couldn't help but to get a little mad that Olia took Otis's hand. She was confused on why she got mad, she and Otis were just friends but was she really okay with that?

*3 weeks later* 

Olympia was working at her desk again, working on paperwork, again, but it wasn't Otis's it was some other agents. Olia was working on Otis's, no matter how much Olympia insisted that she would work on Otis's, Olia just wouldn't let her. Ever since Otis gave that tour of Odd Squad to Olia, Olia and Otis were never seen not together, well, that's not totally true, they weren't together when Otis and Olympia were on cases but when they were Otis wouldn't stop talking about Olia. 

Olympia sighed,  She knew that there was no point in being jealous after all, she was the one that also said that she and Otis were just friends. She also didn't want to admit it but she did have a small crush on Otis but avian she knew that she now lost him to Olia.  Any day now they could both announce that they were together. 

"You okay, partner?" Otis asked noticing how Olympia wasn't acting like her happy self. 

"Otis, can I talk to you, in private?" Olympia asked standing up. 

"Uh...sure," Otis said standing up with her and following her into the hallway. "What is it?" 

"Are you and Olia...together?" Olympia asked crossing her fingers that the answer was a no. 

Otis struggled for an answer. "Well no...at least I think it's a no she and I are really close and have been talking to each other a lot recently, why?" He asked wondering why all of a sudden Olympia cared about all of this. 

Olympia sighed. "No reason.." she mumbled walking off but Otis stopped her. 

"Olympia, you wouldn't ask me a question like that for "no reason" so answer me." Otis said. He was really curious on why she was acting like this, she was the who always said that they were just friends.  "Olympia..are you..are you jealous?" 

Olympia couldn't look at him. "Maybe.."

"Why? Why now? You're the one that also said that we're just friends." Otis said still looking at her. 

Olympia's eyes finally met his. "Well maybe I wanna be more then just friends." 

Otis's eye's widened, he was actually surprised by what Olympia said. "You what?" 

"I wanna be more then just friends," Olympia repeated. 

"Um..." Otis said. 

Author's Note: 

Hey! Well oof...I know that this ending isn't really much of a ending but I feel like this story was getting pretty long so if you guys want a part two to this then I'll be know then happy to write it! :) Olympiaaaaaa, bad timing my friend, bad timing. Sorry, I just had to say that :). I hope you guys enjoyed this and if you did, please vote and comment and follow me if you have already! :)

Odd Squad Imagines/One shots (Otis x Olympia)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu