"I forgive you," I said calmly. "I'll be your friend."

     It took everything Taega had to restrain herself. She was overflowing with happiness. "Thank you so much, Shoto! You're truly amazing."

    "I want to be a hero one day," I stated. "What kind of hero would I be if I turned down someone who just needs a friend?"


Back at the agency, (Y/N)'s POV

     I'd just gotten back home after a long conversation with Mikura. Apparently she was going to get Shoto and I together no matter what it took, even if she had to drop everything to do it. I'd only laughed, because my mind was on other things, mainly what Shoto said.

     Bakugo is going to ask me to the dance? For some reason, that wasn't as shocking as the confirmation that he liked me. I was surprised Shoto would tell me that without hesitation, but I guess it was a sign of how little respect there was between them. 

     Honestly, I'd be happy to go with Bakugo. He was never too loud around me and his energy surprisingly was contagious to me. However, I couldn't hide my disappointment that Shoto wasn't going to be the one taking me. I wondered if he ever even considered it.

     I lay on my stomach on my bed, thinking about all this. I was by myself; Kaito was probably working on something in the building and Nachika nor Taega were back from school yet. Nachika's school was farther than mine, but I wondered why Taega wasn't back yet.

     I toyed with the edge of the blanket. Peeping out of my backpack slightly, I saw my notebook with all the embarrassing doodles. I sighed. "In a perfect world, you'd be my prince."

     Just then, Nachika and Kaito walked through the door.

     "How was school?" Kaito asked.

     "It was good!" I replied happily. 

     Kaito laughed to himself. "Good. You know the boss doesn't need anymore work from us, so we have the rest of the day off!"

     "Cool!" I said.

     Kaito lay on his bed and grabbed a book from his side table.

     Nachika walked over to me and sat on my bed. "So . . . what made today so good?"

     In a quieter voice, I answered, "Shoto apologized for how he's been keeping his distance. He said he wasn't going to do that anymore, no matter what Bakugo is up to. He said he wants to keep being friends!" Though this morning had been pretty crappy at the U.A. school grounds, everything I said was the truth. Shoto telling me that he wanted to continue our friendship had made my day. . . even if it was just a friendship.

     "That's good, (Y/N)! And you never know, just because he says 'friends' now, doesn't mean-"  Nachika's encouraging words were abruptly cut off as our door suddenly flew open.

     "Yoo-hoo!" Taega flew into the room, accidentally slamming the door behind her. "Oops, sorry." In an energetic flurry, she dumped all her school things on her bed.

     "You seem excited," Kaito observed.

     "Shoto Todoroki's even handsomer in person, isn't he (Y/N)?!" Even though she said my name, she didn't even look at me. She whipped her phone out of her back pocket and was immediately hooked to the screen.

     I saw Nachika look directly at me out of the corner of my eye. She probably saw my cheerful expression evolve into one of pure gloom. At least, pure gloom is what I felt right now.

     I tried my hardest to keep a straight face as Taega kept talking. 

    "He gave me his phone number, see?" She showed me his new contact, the screen almost touching my nose. Without a doubt, she wanted me to see his contact picture.

     He looks . . . happy. I knew she was trying to make me jealous, but I couldn't deny that it was working. I didn't even have a contact picture for him on my phone. But this selfie they'd taken, it evoked feelings deep inside I never knew I had. It was painful. It stung. Shoto never smiles that way when he was with me . . .

     No! my mind told me. He's just being nice! He's got to smile for a picture, doesn't he?

     "So is this the boy you like or something?" Kaito asked, putting his book down.

     Taega was still looking at me as she put her phone away. Her blue eyes glowed like two bits of demonic fire. "Mm-hm," she said, nodding. "He's so nice and compassionate, you should meet him sometime!"

     I felt paralyzed. It was one thing to know Taega liked Shoto based on her actions, but her admitting it in front of us was so much different. If my heart had been ice cream, it was surely melting.

     However, I was made to endure further torture.

     "He invited me over to his house to chill with his friends. You know, Midoriya, Uraraka, and a few others?" She was still looking at me.

     I only nodded silently.

    "Well, good for you, Taega!" Kaito exclaimed. "Haven't even been here for a whole week and you've already made a lot of new friends. You keep it up with this Shoto fellow; in time he'll be yours, I'm sure."

     I knew he was trying to be encouraging, but there wasn't a time I disliked Kaito more than that moment. Though, my conscience wanted to slap me in the face. He doesn't know, (Y/N). If he did, he would definitely be on your side.

    "Was (Y/N) invited?" Nachika asserted, before Taega could say anything else.

     I cringed inside. No, Nachika! Why would you ask that?

    I didn't want to hear the reply. I got up from my bed and said quietly, "You know, solo auditions are next week, so I'm gonna head back to the school and practice violin for a while." I started heading out the door, taking my violin from the corner.

     Taega made sure I heard the answer to Nachika's question. "Um, I'm not sure if you were invited. He didn't exactly mention you . . . sorry."

     At this point I just wanted to run far, far, away. I left the room, shutting the door behind me. Tears spilled from my eyes as I made my way out of the building.


OUCH. Girls, please be considerate to other girls even if they like the same guy as you! I don't know about you all, but I've been in this situation a few times. The world is a cruel place . . .

Anyway, another chapter complete! Thank you all for reading

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