Daddy derek part 1

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You were Derek's new beta and you hated it. You were new and untrained so not only did Isaac, Erica and Boyd treat you like a baby but so did everyone, especially Derek.
Derek is what you would call a Grade A Dickhead. He's impulsive and rude, incompetent and harsh, mean and well kina dickish.
He acted as if turning you was his biggest regret and as much as you wanted to go you couldn't, Derek potentially saved your life and gave you a home and friends.
"I don't see why I can't come." You said following Derek down the stairs to his loft where not only was the rest of Derek's pack there but so was Scott's.
"Because you'll get hurt." He stated nodding at Scott.
"I'll heal." You argued following him to the sofa.
"Y/N." He sighed turning around and putting his hands on your shoulders. "We aren't dealing with a lone wolf or a psycho hunter here. We're dealing with a pack of alphas." He said moving his hands from your shoulders and turning around again.
You walked over to his desk and grabbed his jacket from the chair.
"I can handle it." You said walking back over to him and giving him his jacket.
"I'm sure you can but you're not going." He laughed.
"Derek I-" You started but he soon cut you off.
"ENOUGH Y/N YOU ARE NOT GOING UNDERSTOOD?!" He barked. You jumped back surprised by his tone. "Just go upstairs and don't come down until tomorrow morning." He said calmer but still annoyed.
You looked around at everyone, Isaac, Scott, Stiles, Lydia and Allison gave you an apologetic look, Erica had a smirk on her face and Boyd just looked uninterested.
"Fine." You said with watery eyes. "Just don't talk to me like that again you aren't my father, asshole." You murmured as you turned around.
"What did you just say?" He asked loudly.
"I said you aren't my dad! Asshole!" You shouted as you reached the stairs. "You're not even ten years older than me."
"I might not be your father but I'm the only person that actually gives a damn about you." He shouted back.
"Oh piss off." You spat as you ran upstairs and slammed the door.
You sat on your bed and fixated your hearing to what was happening down stairs.
"Maybe you should go easier on her, like you did with me." You heard Scott say.
"I have been going easier on her, she just gets under my skin so much." You heard Derek reply.
"Do you regret saving her life? Do you regret turning her?" You heard Lydia ask him cautiously.
"Let's just sort these alphas out." Was the last thing you heard before they all left you alone with nothing more than silence to keep you company.
About thirty minutes later you decided that enough was enough. You were so angry at Derek and everyone you decided to grab your jacket and go meet the alphas.
Sure when you get there Derek and everyone will be pissed but did you care? No. Why should you care? The worst he'll do is kick you out and if you did that, well you might ask Scott if you could be a part of his pack and if that's out the question, well then you're screwed.
But you'll cross that bridge when you get to it, if you live that long.
You knew where they were meeting so decided to get a cab there, being too lazy to actually walk.
When you got to the building and walked in someone grabbed you and pulled you into a closet.
"What are you doing here?" Erica hissed, her eyes glowing.
"Helping." You stated as if it were obvious.
"Derek is going to be so pissed off." She whispered as she leaned near the door to hear.
"Do I look like I care? He's not my dad." You whispered back, leaning against the wall.
She rolled her eyes and focused on the silence instead. A few moments later she opened the door and you both walked out into the hall. You were walking around a few corners when you spotted everyone, Derek had is back to you.
Everyone's eyes snapped towards you as you notice Derek lift his head and started to turn around.
"You forgot one thing sweetheart. Daddy can smell you." Erica whispered into your ear before walking over to everyone else, leaving you alone.
Soon you decided to give in and look at Derek. His red eyes were boring into yours. You sent him a small smile hoping it would soften his featured but they only got harder.
He suddenly started moving towards you, it wasn't long until he was by your side holding onto your arm tightly, thankfully you were a werewolf and would heal from this.
"Derek." You heard Scott warn.
"You've got this sorted right Scott?" Derek asked holding tighter onto you.
"Yeah I guess." He shrugged his shoulders.
"Good." Was all Derek said before he dragged you out of the building and put you in his car.
You drove back to Derek's in silence, you were too scared to say anything and he didn't want to say anything in case he couldn't control himself.
When Derek parked you remained seated in the car. He got out slamming his door shut which made you flinch then walked around to get you, slamming your door and holding you tightly again.
You went upstairs and into the loft then Derek let go of you.
He walked over to his desk and leaned against it staring at you as you stood in silence with your head down.
"Want to explain yourself?" Derek asked rather calmly but you could tell he was trying hard to remain calm.
"I wanted to help." You said barely above a whisper.
"By disobeying me?" He asked a little less calm.
"Disobeying you?" You shouted. "Derek no offence but you aren't a fucking king. I don't have to kneel at your every command. Why treat me like some fucking princess in a castle?" You asked, still angry.
"I'M YOUR ALPHA!" He shouted back, now standing in front of you.
"WHOOP-DEE-FUCKING-DO!" You shouted raising your arms. "YOU'RE A SHIT ONE." You shouted turning around.
"Excuse me?" He asked holding onto your wrist. "I saved you." He reminded.
"I didn't ask to be saved." You said through gritted teeth.
"You could at least be grateful." He sneered turing around.
"Grateful?" You scoffed. "Grateful for what? You brought me back to a life of pain and remind me everyday of how I have no one but you and how you basically regret doing this." You said shoving his back.
"It's not like that." Derek said raising his voice.
"Yes it is." You sighed pushing his back.
"For fucks sake Y/N just shut up and go upstairs." Derek shouted turning around and shoving you back.
"Whatever you say, daddy." You spat sarcastically and went upstairs. You didn't realise what affect that had on him.
It wasn't long until you heard footsteps coming towards your room and you knew it was Derek because for the past half hour the only breathing you could hear was his.
"Apologise." You heard him say.
"Piss off." You spat.
"I said apologise." Derek said through gritted teeth as he picked you up off your bed and pushed you onto the floor.
"I was joking about the whole being a king and having to kneel at every command thing." You said starting to get up. Derek only pushed you back down holding onto you so you couldn't move.
"How is an alpha supposed to be respected by other alphas and supernaturals if he can't even be respected by his own beta?" Derek asked quietly.
"Maybe if you weren't such a prick you'd be respected." You said equally as quiet looking up at him.
"Just apologise." He said gripping onto your shoulder tighter.
"Only because your ego clearly needs it." You spat before moving so you were more comfortable.
You looked back up at him, the almost full moon hitting his face perfectly.
"I'm sorry Derek." You said now moving to get up.
"Again." He said pushing you down.
"What why?" You questioned trying to fight his strength.
"I don't want you to call me that." He said.
"Okay.. I'm sorry alpha?" You said questionably, you weren't sure if that's what he wanted you to call him.
He only shook his head. "Call me what you called me before you came up here." He said giving you a hint of what you wanted.
You sat on you heel thinking about what you called him, then you remembered. You swallowed and tried to hide the smirk on your face, you couldn't believe that this is was Derek liked. You took one final breath before speaking.
"I'm sorry... Daddy." You said rather low, looking up at him and the smirk on his face.
"Now stay there like a good girl." he whispered stroking your cheek.

Derek Hale imagines!( there will be some smut )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu