After all, she was Mrs. Gu, her status was there to see.

Song Wuyou shook her head, Mrs. Jier's courtesy made her feel a little flattered. "Not too much." She added, laughing, "If you feel uncomfortable, just remunerate me some."

Mrs. Jier was stunned at first, and then her face bloomed, "Sure! Of course I will pay you!" Mrs. Jier clasped Song Wuyou's hands warmly, "I don't know why I feel as if I knew you from the moment I saw you."

Song Wuyou lowered her eyes, looking at her hands in between Mrs. Jier's. This was the first time someone held her hands in this manner.

"Mrs. Jier, it takes time to complete a dress, why don't I start by taking your measurements." Song Wuyou said, looking at Mrs. Jier.

"Good, I'll tell you the colors and patterns I like." Mrs. Jier led Song Wuyou gently by the hand to the first floor, to her room.

While Song Wuyou took measurements, Xu Jing jotted down everything in a notebook. Mrs. Jier listed all the things she liked, from colors to flowers, to patterns, etc.

When everything was done, Mrs. Jier kept Song Wuyou for tea, chatting as they tasted some snacks. In between, Mu Gu called Song Wuyou.

Mu Gu: "Wuyou, Ah Hao is traveling, are you bored?"

Song Wuyou: "Not bored."

Mu Gu: "Oh, I was thinking if you're bored, come to my ranch. Mu Xin is on term break, you can bring Xu Jing too. It'll be lively!"

Song Wuyou: "Another day, I'm at Mrs. Jier's house right now."

Mu Gu was surprised hearing that, "You're in Mrs. Jier's house?"

After exchanging a few more words, Song Wuyou hung up. Thinking that she could ride and shoot arrows at the ranch, she was slightly tempted.

[1] Grand, dazzling, (a little over the top?)

________________________________Note:[1] Grand, dazzling, (a little over the top?)

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Chapter 193: I Miss You

"I've come across some rumors before saying that you're the Song Family's illegitimate daughter?" Mrs. Jier broached the subject, asking Song Wuyou.

Song Wuyou nodded honestly, "En, my father played around outside, and thus came I."

"Overstepping a little, can I ask where's your mother?"

Song Wuyou took a small sip of chrysanthemum tea daintily, "She passed away from illness when I was five."

Mrs. Jier sighed, "You're so beautiful, your mother must have been very beautiful too. Passing away so young, what a pity."

Song Wuyou merely smiled faintly.

Mrs. Jier looked at Song Wuyou, asking another question, "What is your mother's name?"

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