Chapter 1

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My phone rings and I jolt, along with Bre.

"I've been your best friend for 19 years, and that ring tone is still making me jump every time."She spoke in a monotone voice, flipping through the channels on the TV.

"Shhhh, it's my mom!" I say in a panicked voice. It's always a guessing game with her.

"Ew!" Bre exclaimed.

"Hey mom!"

"Hey Ash. So, listen, I need you and Bre to come watch the dogs while I go to work. James will be home soon, but not for at least another hour."

I sigh with defeat.

"Yeah, of course!"

"Great." My mother finished and hung up.

"Love you too mom." I say sarcasticly and throw my phone down next to me.

"So... does that mean we get to see James..?" Bre spoke excitedly with a grin lighting up her face.

"Dude... stop... that's my stepdad!" I said with a laugh.

"So? That shouldn't stop you! You're twenty one years old, and you two arn't related, so you're good. Arn't you the least bit into him?" Bre spoke. She had a great point, and I was totally into him.

"Yeah... you right."

"So... I'ma ask again, does that mean we get to see James?"

"Yes!" I say with a chuckle and push my self up to go get ready.

"God, I don't know how to open this thing!" I yell while trying to pry it open with a hammer.

"EEEEEWWW!" Bre screeched as hot water came pouring out on us. I slammed it shut angerly and breathed out fast and hard.

"This is not how this plan was supposed to go at all! It was supposed to get him to take off his clothes, not us!" I groan as me and Bre stripped our shirts  from our bodies.

"What ever, let's just chill until he gets here. It'll only be five minutes anyway. Who knows, maybe he'll try to fix it and hot water will pour out on him too, it'll just get his clothes off of him faster." Bre said with a wink. I laughed and nodded as I plopped on my mother's couch and turned on the TV.

"MISHA, KEITH, I'M HOME!" James yelled, and Keith, my dog, went sprinting twords him. "Why is it so damn hot in here holy shi-" James stopped in his tracks as he saw us laying on the couch in nothing but a pair of short shorts and a bra, our wet shirts in the laundry room and our arms above our head, trying to keep cooled down in the hot Ohio heat.

"Oh, hi girls..." He said surprised, his thick accent lingering and playing on a loop in our heads, and dropped his bag on the ground.

"Hey." We mumbled together and I shut my eyes.

"Why is the A.C off?"

"Broken." Is all Bre could mumble.

"Broken? What do you mean?"

"See for your self." I suggested sarcasticly.

He walked to the A.C unit in the window, crouched in front of it, and effortlessly pulled the front off.

"WHAT THE HELL!?" He yelled as hot water coverd his entire front. I shot up and laughed, completely forgetting to warn him before.

"Oops... sorry..." I forced between giggles.

"You will be..." He mumbled as he pulled his shirt off over his head.

"Oh?" I asked and Bre giggled at that.

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