Claustrophobia ~ English

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Natasha: Nina.
Natasha: Please help me Nina!

Nina: ???
Nina: Who is this???
Nina: How did you get this number???

Natasha: It's me Natasha.
Natasha: Please help.
Natasha: I'm trapped somewhere and I can't get out.
Natasha: It's very dark and very narrow.
Natasha: I can barely move. I don't know how I got here.
Natasha: I tried to call you but I don't have any credit.

Nina: Mother of God! Is this some kind of sick joke?
Nina: It's not funny! Who are you?
Nina: I'm going to report you to the police.

Natasha: What are you talking about, Nina?
Natasha: Help me! I'm begging you!
Natasha: For God's sake, please help me!
Natasha: Please tell my parents to come and look for me.

Nina: Natasha?
Nina: It's not possible.
Nina: It can't be you.

Natasha: It's me! Who else would it be? Please help me

Nina: It's a prank. It has to be.

Natasha: Why are you acting so strange?
Natasha: It's me! I swear it is.
Natasha: Why don't you believe me?
Natasha: What's wrong with you?

Nina: Natasha is dead.
Nina: She was my best friend and she died two days ago.
Nina: The funeral was this morning.
Nina: So I'll ask you again...
Nina: Who the hell are you and how did you get this number?

Natasha: I don't know what you're talking about Nina
Natasha: Why do you say that?
Natasha: I'm locked in a dark place and I can't get out
Natasha: Don't you understand?
Natasha: Please!!! Please help!!!

Nina: What was the last movie we saw together?

Natasha: What? Why do you ask me that?
Natasha: Nina, for the love of God, please help me.

Nina: If you're Natasha then you should know that.
Nina: What was the last movie we saw together?

Natasha: Don't be a jerk!
Natasha: I can't remember.
Natasha: I'm terrified and you want me to answer stupid questions.

Nina: Answer me or I'll block you

Natasha: No! Don't do that!
Natasha: Wait for me to remember.
Natasha: I think it was The Notebook.
Natasha: Is that it?
Natasha: We both cried like crazy at the end...
Natasha: That's it, right?

Nina: What grade did you get in Biology?

Natasha: Nina for God's sake! Stop it!

Nina: Answer me.

Natasha: OK OK
Natasha: It's a trick question.
Natasha: The old woman didn't give us our grades yet.
Natasha: Do you believe me now?

Nina: Natasha?
Nina: But how can it be you?
Nina: Yesterday night I saw you laid out in the coffin.
Nina: This morning I saw them lower you into the ground.
Nina: It can't be you. It just can't!
Nina: Where are you?

Natasha: I don't know.
Natasha: It's dark and cold.
Natasha: I can barely move.

Nina: My God! My God, Natasha!
Nina: You're buried alive!
Nina: Natasha?
Nina: Are you still there?

Natasha: Yes.
Natasha: I think you're right.
Natasha: But how?
Natasha: How did I get here?
Natasha: Who put me here?

Nina: I told you. You died two days ago.
Nina: At least that's what they said.
Nina: The doctors pronounced you dead.
Nina: They said your heart stopped.
Nina: We all thought you were dead.

Natasha: But I'm not dead.

Nina: You must have been buried alive.
Nina: I read about these rare cases where people appear to be dead.
Nina: But they're not really dead.
Nina: They have some weird medical condition.
Nina: They're catatonic or cataleptic
Nina: Or something like that.
Nina: Everyone thinks they're dead.
Nina: And they get buried alive.

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