Chapter 7

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Hey guys and gals so I noticed that this story hasn't gotten a new chapter yet so I thought that I would update it also thank you to the views over 1k play song when told

"As me and Asia are sitting under a cheery bloom tree not being disturbed because school was over and we were give permission well all three of us."
Y/n:You can come out now Isabell
Y/n:you know this reminds me of when I would defeat my prey and the cheery blooms leaves that fell remembering them and they never ended is the best part which is why I would like to sit there for a moment or two(note I actually did this just to take in the sights before I killed gehrman that was a very sad fight)
Y/n:but this moment will be interrupted
Asia/Isabell:who are you talking to
Y/n:the readers
(Fourth wall gets repaired)
Kiba:president would like to see you
Y/n:fine let's go
(You all then walk into the ORC)
???:hello my name is Sirzechs
Y/n:well hello and my name is Y/n L/n now would you mined telling why I'm called here
Sirzechs:yes I will I won't beat around the bush so to put it blatantly I want you to join my little sisters pedigree or all the women you have with you will be the slaves of Issei and do what ever he likes
As he says this your right or left eye is surrounded in moonlight energy and is flowing to the the right or left (depends which ever one is dominant and to find this focus on and object about five or more feet away and close one eye and which ever eye is open and the object didn't move from it's original place is your dominant eye learned this when I shoot a shotgun but any way)
Y/n:so you want to threaten a man who can kill you in an instant I only held back to show you not to mess with me but it seems that the chaos brigade seems right that you devils have become too arrogant for your own good I now see why the Angels and fallen Angels don't like you (yes I'm making the chaos brigade good not evil)
Sirzechs:we are not like them they only spread lies
Y/n:huh so bitch you and Serafall have a sis-con attitude and another is lazy and the last one actually he makes technology to help so he's cool in my book and Serafall that sis-con thing is an act also your bitch of a tomato head sister and you can try and be manipulative cunts but that's to people who are weaker than you also I know that you planed on Rias to get Kiba,Akeno,Koneko,And Gasper(Also Gasper is female)Issei she got by herself
sirzechs was speechless on how you figured it out and to put the cheery on top Rias's group except Issei because he is knocked out cooled by the kendo club was waiting sirzechs response
Sirzechs:so tell me how did you know
Now as we see rias's group all of them and yes Gasper is out their too fall to the ground
Y/n:just so you know I hope you can survive about 3% of my power
He was then cut off by
And then you disappear in a fog wall in the smoke screen and as we wait the smoke dissipates and we see an unconscious sirzechs with blood coming from his head his missing hand and a deep cut on the side of his torso but not lethal
Y/n:alright girls let's go
(You three then get in your car and thanks to magic it's like a limo in side but it's still your dream car that goes up to 400MPH in no time at all also they rode in it a few times to get use to it)
You then go inside your house to sleep
Timeskip to night
You then wake up to Kokabiel throwing Irina into your arms as you go outside
Y/n:why did you do this
Kokabiel:for fun I want the war back on now meet me at Kuoh academy if you want to stop it
Then he disappears and you gather your girls also to give you a skill check
Asia:is now a badass that can weld a great sword and behead someone at fast speeds she can also use arcane magic and tools to there fullest abilities and use hidden functions of them and she has mastered Twilight healing now allowing her to heal near death people at a fast rate
Isabell:she can now use her sacred gear know as the true Phoenix which has the soul of the first Phoenix that allows her to use the blue flames of the devil and has extreme regeneration like Wolverine and can also use hunter tools(if you don't know what I'm talking about go watch blue exorcist)
Ray:she was a fallen with one pair of wings now she has seven pairs and is able to make holy light which means that she can erase a Devil with a tooth pick made of that light when enough power is put into it and now dressed like lady Maria and she put her hair in a pony tail
Also Ross won't be fighting yet because you are working on something for her but anyway to kuoh academy
(You then arrive at kuoh academy)
Kokabiel:so you came I hope you can get past my pets when the read head bitch could not
That's when the three Cerberus appear you then tell then one Cerberus each as you go after Kokabiel but before you could greed comes out and has a robotic arm now then he rants about his almighty broken Excalibur and you know that the real one is still together like how could they believe that lie a holy sword made by god was broken ha that's funny so instead of letting him finish you then slash of both his arm but he somehow gets that mini flash bomb and disappears then Xenovia shows up and starts to fight him scenes the three dogs went back to hell
Kokabiel:so you can still fight even if he is dead
Xenovia:what do you mean
Kokabiel:I mean that gods dead
Y/n:hahahaha you really think god is dead did you not think that he didn't have a back up plan when he was weakened after sealing trihexa the apocalypse how do you think I was sent to yharnam god called me there and told me to help him end the endless night and there he was even training to get as strong as a mid class great one
Kokabiel:so he tricked us
Y/n:no he didn't mean to
Kokabiel:so in other words he is still alive
Y/n:yes he is
Kokabiel:heh then there is no need for a war
Y/n:I know now why you did this you wanted humanity to evolve or die out so that other races couldn't use them right
Y/n:so now that you are branded a traitor would you like to join me
Kokabiel:yes I would
Y/n:now then Kokabiel,Xenovia,girls fallow me through the fog wall and let's go home
(You then go home)
Rose:I see that you got a another one Y/n
Y/n:indeed his name is Kokabiel and Kokabiel this is Rose
Kokabiel:(bows)nice to meet you Rose
Rose:(bows)nice to meet you too Kokabiel
Y/n:now then we all had an eventful night so let's go to sleep and yes I had to rooms prepared

Alright gals and guys I hoped you liked this chapter and the effort I put into this so as all ways I'll see you in the next chapter ah byyyyeeee

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