Smile (Moody Spurgeon)

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It had always been me and him, him and me, but today it was him and her, her and him. It pained you to see the sight of his arm rapped around her shoulder. You should've known. Diana Barry was the prettiest girl in school. Though Billy wanted her for himself she chose Moody. You had always liked him but weren't sure what to do. So you kept your feelings hidden and let them love each other. Anne looked just as depressed as you did. You has always assumed she liked Diana but now you had proof. At lunch you two sat under the tree where you and Moody had always sat and talked. Until Moody and Diana walked over and asked to have lunch with you guys. You couldn't say no to that smile. That award winning smile. So you four awkwardly had lunch together. They still looked happy. As lunch came to an end you and Anne were even more depressed. School dragged by and Moody and Diana decided to walk home together ditching you and Anne. So you and Anne walked together in silence. Until Anne broke down right in the middle of the path. She cried and sobbed and screamed in anguish and hatred. She hated them together. She loved Diana with all her heart. You let her cry until she couldn't cry anymore. If was almost dark and you knew someone would be worried for you two. "Anne... we should get going. Marilla will be worried sick" you said softly. "O-okay" she said weakly. So you two walked and when you got to green gables Jerry was the first to greet you two. As you walked into her home Marilla threw her arms around Anne. "I-I was so worried! I didn't know what had become of you two!" She said hurriedly. That's when you saw Moody and Diana. "I sent Jerry out to find them when you didn't come home. I couldn't reach your folks Y/n so I assumed one of them would know." Matthew explained. "Oh" was all you could say. As you were about to leave Moody offered to take you and Diana home. It was an awkward walk your house was second so when he dropped Diana off you two were left alone. Then he stopped walking and stepped in front of you "Why are we so awkward now?" Moody asked you desperately looking for answers, but all he saw was your cold dead eyes. "I don't know ask Diana" her name left your mouth like poison. "She's the reason for all of this?" He asked confused. "Yes" was all you said before pushing past him. He grabbed your wrist pulling you towards him. "What does she have to even do with this?" He asked you. "You're with her. When you could be with me." You said. This time when you walked off he didn't stop you.
Bro I'm tempted to make a part two with some Dianne should I?

Anne with an e (AWAE) images and/or preferences (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now