Yellow: Unexpected Joy

Start from the beginning

Zoro was known to always be late and lost, no matter when or where. Even going to his class, which was outside on the track field, he always came in late and sweating.

Truly a lost case...

But that's not what happe- didn't happen!

For the past few weeks his colleagues and students had been worried he came on time!...

One of the students said he even saw him sneak out of a locker in the boys changing room, like he had been there from the day before, asleep inside it!

That was just straight fucked up! Even for Zoro! And that's saying a lot...

Needless to say you and your friends got worried, very worried... to the point of paying attention to his every move.

You caught him not just on one but multiple occasions getting out of classrooms, janitor closets, lockers, etc, you name it.

This had required a secret group reunion, without Zoro obviously, to talk about his strange behaviour.

Many thoughts were shared, some you honestly didn't need to know, but you had finally reached a conclusion. And today you all planned to confront him to admit... that he... Roronoa Zoro... was homeless...

Either that or he was a drunk addict... or had a secret girlfriend he banged everymorning... in last case he was a gigolo.

But since he wasn't here yet it would have to wait 'til after the festival...

The festival was very popular and crowded, just like every year, not just by artists. Agents and company CEOs from around the world also came to buy and or hire new talented artists.

"SABOOOOOO!" - Luffy ran pushing people out of the way and jumped on the said blonde making them both fall to the ground - "YOU'RE HERE! YOU'RE FINALLY HERE!"

"L-Luffy! Get of m-me!" - The older brother fought him trying to get him off to stop suffocating him but he didn't budge - "S-Seriously Luffy! I c-can't breathe!"

A ginger haired girl laughed at the scene beside the two and you presumed she was the one.

"OH! KOALA NE-CHAN! YOU'RE HERE TOO!" - This time he jumped on her giving a bear hug which she returned still laughing.

"Luffy! You're still energetic as ever!" - Sabo got up cleaning the dust off his clothes.

"Geez, Luffy! You should be more carefull! We could have gotten hurt!" - He nagged him making Luffy laugh even more.

"Could they be?..." - The girl, Koala, looked over at your group as you walked near them.

"These are my friends Koala ne-chan! The ones I showed you the first week!" - Luffy gave his signature grin.

"It's good to see you all again! It's been such a long time, I almost didn't recognise you!" - She politely bowed and we did the same.

"Can I see your pan-"

"NO!" - Nami and Sabo quickly shut Brook up with two strong punches.

After Koala and Sabo joined you the group decided to eat before going around the exposition, especially Luffy.

It felt really nice having Koala back, not that Sabo wasn't great, but Koala was so kind and patient with all of you she truly felt like an older sister, even to Robin.

With Koala every subject was easy to talk to, she was very easy going and open minded, except when it came to Sabo. She seemed to baby him like those chicken moms, always worried he's get hurt.

For Art (Trafalgar Law x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now