Chapter 26: Leave me Alone

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A/N : Hey guys !!
I noticed that this book is  not again increasing in readers. I am so busy lately due to sports I apologize for that.

So Moving on !! PLS ENJOY!!
Skylar's POV:

I am now in the living room. Waiting for the others . Mom and Dad are hanging out today and they will be back at 9 I supposed. Today was raining pretty hard. Apparently There is a typhoon so stood up and opened it to see the others. I smiled and let them in. " Welcome to my house " I grinned. " Thanks for having us !! " They said. I led them to
The living room while I prepared some foods and drinks Of course They can't be missing.
' Btw I don't have any idea what are we gonna
do today ' I wondered. 
" Skylar do you need any help " I heard. I
looked back to see Zack standing and leaning to the door. " A little " I smiled. He nodded and Carried the tray while I grab the other one and Followed him.

Zack's POV:

We arrived at the living room and placed the trays in the table. Me and Skylar sat at the big couch with Forza. " So what's the agenda for today ?? " Cara asked.
" Beats me " Aaron shrugged. " Seriously ?? There must be something that we can do " Raven said. We all think then I got an idea.
" Why not play a game ?? " I suggested. " That is a good idea !! " Forza grinned. I just nodded and chuckled.  " So what game exactly ?? " Carla asked. " I got an idea !! . Let's play Twister " Skylar said. " Why not ?? " I said. So We grabbed the Twister game and we played Skylar was the one who will tell us what to do. I started it with left hand yellow. Then the game go on. Until I won the game. It was quite hilarious to me. Since Cara and Aaron are close to each other because  of the position.
It was fun Teasing them. I knew that Aaron may have a crush to Cara but not sure. It's good if it is true.

Raven's POV:

Twister was a fun game indeed. Especially with Cara and Aaron. It was amusing to see them close to each other.
I have a feeling that something good will happened to them . I am fully supporter of them being a couple. I sure  are curious for Skylar.
Its super obvious that they both like Skylar. Zack is probably don't believe it. But he will know someday. He have to. Or he will regret it.
After playing it we ate the foods and watch movies since we are atttached to it.  I looked at Skylar she was staring at the wall for some reason. But If I am correct she can see something again.

Aaron's POV:

We are currently watching the movie called Home alone. It is very funny. I looked at the others to see them having fun as well. Well... Except someone who is Skylar she was doing something ...To be Exact  She was staring at the wall. I know that she sees something. Even Forza is noticing it. " Why ?? Won't you leave me alone ?? " Skylar frowned. I was frowning too. I looked to see Zack went to Skylar and pat her head. I only watched as Zack do it. Forza was just staring at the wall. Everything was quiet when Skylar Spoke.

Cara's POV:

I really felt sorry for Skylar. This happens always to her. I can't do anything for her lately.
Mostly Zack and Forza did well of course They both like or love I dunno Skylar. I dunno which to pick. Well moving on. I felt frustated to hear Skylar say that she definitely got enough. She always bear it alone. It hurts me to see her like this.
I noticed that everyone has a frowned face. Even forza looks so mad that he looks like he is gonna punch someone.
Zack is comforting her.
So I need to really need to be better for my and everyone's sake.

Carla's POV:

This sucks for Sklar. They won't leave her alone won't they. It's getting irritating to see them always bothering her. If this continue to will break her. I won't let them. Not in my watch. We will stop this.
They need to stop bothering her. I swear that Zack is really falling in love with her.
Forza is catching up.
This will be fun watching their love story.

Forza's POV:

I am pissed right now. I saw Sky being bothered.
They won't stop at all.I tried to talk it out but They don't just listen. I don't know what is their problem but I won't let them get close to Sky. They shouldn't get close to her. Or I will hunt them. I will protect her I won't let her down. I feel like punching people. They always bother Sky. So I an currently supressing it now.


A/N: sorry for the short story !!. I will make it up on the next pls comment pls and vote

Have a nice day!!


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