"Someone contact Starfire. Tell her we have
Robin." Cyborg said as we all headed home.

P.O.V of Robin
"Johnny Rancid has the key we want." Slade said as I stood in front of his chair, waiting to be dismissed, "Find him, find the key. Understood?"

"Yes." I replied.

"Yes what?"

"Yes Master." I ground out.

"Good boy. Now go." He commanded, "This shouldn't prove too difficult."

Rancid was easy to locate, given he was causing mass trouble in the middle of the city. But that would mean the Titans would be there, I'll just have to try and arrive before them. I quickly exited the hideout and jumped on my motorbike to get to the scene.

Once I pulled up I saw the Titans were already there, but I couldn't let them get in the way of my job. I threw a disk at Raven, knocking her out of the air as I leaped over her and to Rancid. A look of utter fear passing over his face as he saw the half orange uniform. I didn't give him a chance as I began to pummel him.

"What have you done with the key?" I growled as I sent him flying backward with a punch under the jaw.

"What's it to you?" He growled back as he tried to stand back up but I stood on his hand, hearing bones snap.

He screamed as he went down to the floor again, this time not getting back up.

"Where is it?" I asked, grabbing him by the collar so I could slam him against the wall if he didn't cooperate.

"It's back at-" He begun but his eyes focused on something to my left and he changed course, "Please, help."

I threw his head back against the wall the same time I heard Raven chanting as I was trapped in her magic.

"Robin?" They all chorused as they saw me in the light.

"Hold him there Rae." Cyborg ordered as he got ready to fire his sonic blaster.

I tried reaching into my belt for a pellet to get Raven to release me but I couldn't move and when the blast hit me, I was straight out.

P.O.V of Starfire
"Starfire, we have Robin."

I looked down at my communicator as Beast Boy's voice came through.

"He has come back home?" I asked.

"I guess so." He replied, slightly further away and I could imagine he had turned around to look at Robin.

"I am on my way back." I replied, turning and flying as fast as I could, "Please let him know that I knew he would come home."

"Yeah, sure uh, will do." Beast Boy said and cut off our link.

A huge smile split my face as I flew back to the tower; I knew Robin would come back.

P.O.V of Robin
I woke back up with a pounding headache and cracked open my eyes to see I was restrained on the table. My belt was gone and any other devices hidden in my person.

"Get out of there Robin and get to Rancid. We need that key." Slade growled.

Couldn't they have taken the communicators as well? Then again, they probably couldn't find them, they were tiny.

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