june 10th, 2018

30 2 0

I run my hand through Evan's hair as he lays his head on my stomach. I look down at him as he closes his eyes. Evan's soft breath falls against my skin as does his tears.

"Ev, Jake didn't deserve you. You're one of the most caring and wonderful people in the whole damn world. You will find someone," I say to him.

Evan tugs the blanket over him as he lets out a big sigh. His eyes stay blank, hurt radiating off of him. I can practically feel how badly his heart hurts.

I softly traces his face with my thumb, softly murmuring every truthful and sweet thing I can think of. "You deserve the best, Evan. Jake clearly isn't the best. You're my ride or die. I couldn't ever see my life without you," I softly whisper.

Evan turns his head towards me, more tears brimming in his eyes. But he smiles.

He sits up, his eyes red and swollen. I gingerly brush away the stray tears on his cheeks. He gives me a crooked smile before wrapping his arms around me.

"Did you know you're like the best best friend ever?" Evan says before pulling away. "I've already got the best. Right here."

I smile so wide, my eyes starting to prick. "Don't make me cry, you whore." Evan laughs as he slaps my hand.

"Oh, shut up. I want the carnival right now. Let's go!" He pouts and gives me the best puppy eyes.

"You know I can never say no to the carnival." I give him a big goofy smile. He pulls me onto my feet rather roughly and I practically fall into him. He gives me one more big hug.

"Agh. I love you so much, Mars." Before I know it, Evan's already out of my bedroom door.

I roll my eyes, smiling at how adorably excited he is. I grab everything I need before letting the front door slam shut.

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