Ch. 1- Let's Go to Disneyland!

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"I need to take your elderly butts to Disneyland." Natasha said out of the blue.

"Who's Disneyland?" Bucky said.

"Oh dear god. You are older than Disneyland. This is terrible. Now I really need to take you."

"But-" Nat just started packing her suitcase.

"We're leaving in 30 minutes."

"Well ok then. Can Sam come?" Steve said.

"Sure why not."

"SAAAAMMM!! Get in here! I have a question for you!"

"Oh my god Steve, what do you want now?"

"I want you to come to 'Disneyland' with us." Steve put air quotes around Disneyland.

"Finally. Getting them to Disneyland. I never thought I'd see the day. Sure I'll come."

Steve starting jumping for joy. "Yay!"

They get to the airport and board their plane. As soon as they land, they all run to their hotel. There were no rooms big enough for all four, so they had to have two rooms. Sam and Bucky shared a room, so that left Steve and Nat.

"I'll take this side!" Steve yelled.

"Oh no, it's fine I'll take the sofa. It's a pull-out."

"Are you sure? It's ok if you would like to share a bed with me."

"Ok, why not."


"When did you become 9? I thought you were 90?"

"Well, I'm just excited."

When the morning comes, Steve can't contain his excitement. Every so often, he squeals. Natasha is happy and pleased because she has never seen this side of him before, but as soon as they meet up with Sam and Bucky, Steve does all serious again. Why? Nat tried not to think about it too hard. After all, they were going to the happiest place on Earth! As soon as they got to the park, Steve and Bucky get adorable "First Visit" pins. Then they all get lanyards and tons of different Disney-related pins. Natasha decides that she wants to go on Space Mountain. As they start heading over, Sam doesn't feel good, so he and Nastasha find a bench and send Bucky and Steve off with directions. When they get there, they see all of the photos that people have taken and they both get nervous. They get on the ride and it is as terrifying as they thought it would be.

Steve yells in terror, "I CAN DO THIS ALL DAAAYY".

Yet, when they get off, he runs to the nearest trash can and throws up everywhere. When Steve is finished barfing his guts out, they head back over to where Natasha and Sam are. They all get ears and hats and pose for the professional photographer in front of Sleeping Beauty's castle.

They get back to the hotel very late.

"That was a long day," Steve said, "even for me."

Natasha giggled. Steve was being so weird lately. He was acting all fun and sweet around her but all serious around his friends.

When they get back to the compound in New York, Steve, Natasha, Bucky and Sam have a pin-trading party. Wanda, Vision and Tony find them.

"What are you guys up to?" Tony says.

"We just got back from Disneyland and were trading some pins."

"I want in."

Wanda, Vision and Tony sat down with them. Tony whines because he is stuck with a Winnie the Pooh pin. Steve hides his Dumbo pin in his pocket so that nobody will steal it. They all just decide to go back to Disneyland together so they can get new pins for trading.

Part 2 coming soon!

A/N- It gets better. Romanogers begins in Part 3.

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