EP- 02-Misunderstanding......

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Arrey......Is this the way you talk to elders" She turned back to see Aarti being scolded by a woman in her mid forties

"Is there any Problem??" She walked to them

The lady stared at her with of a mixture of irritation and curiosity

"What happened Aarti? She inquired

"Di.... Di... this aunty is simply scolding Me" Aarti came running towards her and hugged her

"Arrey ...... What are you saying? I scolded her as she me hit me down and back answered me" The lady was furious

"Nahi Di......I dint do it" Aarti  innocently replied and hugged her, with tears.She believed what her said  as she was sure that there won't be a case of Aarti lying

"See Aunty.... Please calm down. I know my Aarti. She will never back answer, especially to elders. Please behave properly with kids". She politely warned the lady.

"HOW DARE YOU SPEAK TO ME LIKE THIS" The lady screamed inviting the attention of everyone present in the garden.

"Ragini......What happened?" Rucha and Amrita entered the argument arena. 

"Nothing Rucha ......This Aunty was simply raising her voice on Aarti.... Poor thing is scared." Ragini replied

"Look Aunty, you don't have any right to scream on us, just because we are orphans, doesn't mean that you can say whatever comes on your tongue......Come on Ragini, Amrita (the other girl who came into the scene along with Rucha), Aarti... Don't involve with such heartless people". All four of them leave the scene leaving behind a horror stricken Sujatha back.


Later in Ragini's Room

"I still don't get it Rucha, how can that lady come from nowhere and accuse Aarti of things which she wouldn't dream of doing.... Just because she is an orphan....disgusting!!!" Ragini was on the verge of tears

"I know Ragini....These Rich people Na, don't have a drop of humanity in their heart, good that u scolded her" Rucha consoled her.

"No Ragini... You did wrong...." Ragini and Rucha turned to see Amrita holding a hand of weeping Aarti. "You both reacted without knowing the truth" Amrita complained

"What do you mean Ammu? Rucha was confused.

"I was very sad about today's incidents and went to check whether Aarti was Fine or Not.When I went to her room, Pinky and Aarti was having a conversation ;

Aarti: That lady thought that Di won't believe me......hpmh......What an arrogant lady

Pinky: But Aaru, I am scared ,will she make problems for di?

Aarti: I don't know year. But I am more scared that if Di comes not know that we lied to her and I actually hit down that lady .She will be...

Amrita: AAAARTI....

FB ends

Ragini and Rucha looked at Aarti with a shocked expression

"Why did you do this?? Ha?? Bolo?? Why... how could you lie to Ragini??" Rucha shook Aarti

Aarti continued to weep. Raginig started walking from there  towards the door.

"Raghu.... Where are you going?? Amrita holds her

"To apologize" Ragini frees herself and walks out.


Ragini didn't know where to find that lady. Moreover, it was night and she had only one option. To inform her Teacher Maa. She reached Teacher Maa's room which was not shut completely. She was about to knock

Annapurna: Calm Down Sujatha...

Sujatha (Fuming in Anger): What kind of girl she was?? Accused me of being rude and arrogant,Jiji

Annapurna: Acchha , Tell me this.. Who was that girl who hurt my little sister? Can you recognize her

Ragini was already  scared to go inside the room and the truth of Sujatha being Annapurna's sister weakened her more.

Sujatha: I will never forget her in my life... Ragini.

Annapurna (shocked): No way....

Sujatha: You are also not believing me??

Annapurna: It's not about Believing or not ... But Ragini is a very innocent and soft-spoken girl

Sujatha: Soft spoken, My foot

Ragini was on her toes, yet she mustered up courage and knocked the door inviting Annapurna's and Sujatha's attention

"Jiji...... she is the one...She" Sujatha shouted

"Ragini.... What is all this beta?" Annapurna questions her

"Teacher Maa.... I...I ... I came to apologize to this aunty" Ragini stammered

"Ya ... very Nice .... Get things wrong and then apologize" Sujatha was irked

"Sujatha.... Keep quiet" Annapurna calmed her. "Ragini... what is all this beta?? How could you speak to Sujatha like this?" Annapurna questioned calmly

"Teacher Maa... I am really sorry. I only listened to Aarti. I dint mind to hear Aunty's part" turning to Sujatha. "I am really sorry Aunty. I didn't hear out your part and concluded that you were rude. But I never thought that my Aarti would lie to me. I blindly believe my siblings here. And when I saw her crying and you shouting at her without reason, I saw angry. I know this is not an excuse for me misbehaving with you.... Still I request you to kindly forgive us". Ragini folded her hands to apologize with brimming eyes.

Sujatha was disturbed by Ragini's reaction yet partially convinced by her, But confused. Understanding her situation Annapurna takes lead "Ragini... I have expected you to be mature . But this time you were wrong. but you apologized and made it correct. Now go to your room and console Aarti.She also might be scared"

Ragini pleadingly looks at Sujatha, wipes her tears and goes back to her room.


Ragini didn't talk to Aarti that night. She was disappointed with her, She tossed in her bed, Shifted, sat, then laid .But was not able to sleep. She slowly went to Aarti's room and peeped. She was surprised to see Aarti awake. Ragini gets inside the room and caresses Aarti's hair. Aarti looks back with a sad face and cries hugging Ragini

"Di.... I am really sorry Di ... I shouldn't have lied to you... I am sorry ..." Aarti hugs Ragini very tight

Ragini releases herself and cups Aarti's face

"Beta.... Whatever the situation is .... even if the situation will make your condition bad. Please don't lie. because our lies don't have the strength to survive long. Eventually They will be revealed ,and at that time it will make our condition worse" Aarti nods  and Hugs Ragini

Ragini was very sad. Because of Aarti and Sujatha. She was scared that Sujatha might have been hurt by their words.and moreover, her Teacher Maa would be upset with her. Ragini tried to gulp down those ill feeling down and cuddled Aarti more.

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