“Shall we head to the car?” I waived my hand in front of me, signaling him to walk before me. We walked down to the east parking lot, where I kept my car. The whole time we were just nervously complimenting each other’s outfits and hairstyles. I have to say I did look pretty good myself. Like Jared I also wore a button-down shirt, except mine was under a gray v-neck sweater, with only the collar and the cuffs of the shirt peeking out. I wore some nice khakis that made my bum look big. Hehe. I caught Jared staring. I also wore my brand new Johnston & Murphy brown leather loafers. I was waiting for a special occasion to put them on. Tonight was more than special.                                                    

He told me he had made reservations for us at Hoemann’s one of the finest, most exclusive steakhouses on this side of the city. It was the kind of place you took your girlfriend to propose. Yeah, pretty fancy. We got to the restaurant and parked under the car park, whilst a young man, about our age, in a shiny red suede jacket opened my door. I handed them the keys. Valet parking…fancy. Although my ’06 Chevy Cobalt was a stick in the mud compared to the nice Porsches and Mercedes parked in the lot.

I walked into the restaurant, behind Jared and stopped once we reached a woman behind a mahogany wood podium. “Good evening young gentleman. Do you have a reservation?” she cut to the chase. Most people have to make reservations two or three days in advance to get a table at a place like this. Even on a Monday at 8pm.

“Yes of course,” Jared spoke. “Matthews, table for two, at 8:00,” he did make the reservation. And he made it under his last name like a mature man. How adorable. The lady then proceeded to look at a clock hanging from the wall beside her. 7:50. Ten minutes early. Phew. I’ve heard people say they cancel your reservation if you are only a minute late. Things seemed to be running smoothly. We followed an older bald-headed man in uniform to a small table in the back of the restaurant. The restaurant had dimmed lights and every table was candlelit and had a crystal vase with a rose as a centerpiece. Incredibly romantic. No other person has ever done something like this for me. And to think it was only our second date. Jared had swept me right off my feet.

We were handed two one paged menus printed on cardstock. Very cache. I quickly zoomed down the menu focusing only on the prices. Damn. Nothing below $20. Well except for the drinks and a bowl of soup at $15.99. Outrageous! My face must have pulled an expression of surprised because Jared had noticed. “Don’t worry. It’s on me. Order whatever you like. I insist.”

I wasn’t a cheap-o but I was just really taken back by the fact that Jared was willing to wine and dine me at all expense. Now I ain’t sayin’ I’m a gold-digger, but I ain’t messin’ with no broke nigga. Excuse me.

The bald headed man was back for our drink order. I wanted a nice glass of chardonnay but figured it wouldn’t be fair to Jared since he is still under-age. I wasn’t going to order soda because that would seem tacky at a nice place like this, and if I ordered water, Jared would think I was being cheap and not make him spend money on me. Yeah, drink orders are quite complex.

“Peach-Raspberry Iced Tea for me please.” I made a pretty good choice.

“Same,” said Jared. I hoped that was a good thing.

“I will be right back with your beverages and take your entrée order,” spoke the bald man. “but first, any appetizers or antipasti before we begin?”

Jared looked over at me raising en eyebrow. “Oh no thank you. I don’t want to spoil my appetite.” This was partly true; a big appetizer or antipasti would make me less hungry. But mainly it would mean Jared having to order an extremely over-priced plate.

“None please.” Jared smiled at the man and he walked off.

“This is really beautiful Jared,” I said to him as I took a look around the small restaurant. “I really appreciate it.”

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