Song Jiuyue snapped, "And so? Do you take me for a fool? I can't even guess that Song Wuyou will be attending Mu Xin's birthday party?"

Song Jiumei was surprised, "Dajie, you already knew beforehand?"

"Young Master Gu and Mu Gu are good friends, and at the moment, Young Master Gu is enchanted by Song Wuyou. Do you think he wouldn't bring her if he's going?" Song Jiuyue was like a scorned woman.

"Dajie, then what do we do?" Song Jiumei looked at Song Jiuyue, "Are we just going to let Song Wuyou gloat in front of everyone?"

"Of course not!" A vicious light flickered past Song Jiuyue's eyes, "Hearsay is that Mu Gu invited a lot of big names this time. I want to grasp this opportunity to show everyone Song Wuyou's true face!"

Thinking back to when she had to run naked next to Mu Gu on the ranch, Song Jiuyue gnashed her teeth with hatred. This humiliation, she will definitely pay Song Wuyou back. An eye for an eye!

"Dajie, you have a way?" Song Jiumei's eyes lit up as she watched Song Jiuyue with anticipation.

Song Jiuyue looked at Song Jiumei as ideas ran through her head. After what seemed like half a day she said, "Do according to what I've said, prepare..."

Listening to the end of Song Jiuyue's plans and methods, a wicked light shone in Song Jiumei's eyes. The corners of her lips curved in a sinister smile, "Wonderful, Dajie, just leave everything to me." Then Song Jiumei's sight fell onto the dress lying on the bed, she noted, "Dajie, the design of this dress looks somewhat similar to the championship winning dress design."

"I don't know who the designer for that dress was, I just made a copy as a present for Mu Xin."

Chapter 133: Do People Really Do Have A Past and Present Life?

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Chapter 133: Do People Really Do Have A Past and Present Life?

Song Jiumei picked the dress up from the bed with admiration, "It's almost a carbon copy of that dress."

Song Jiuyue raised her chin with proud complacency, "I'm skilled in making dresses. Of course my work is good, even if it is a copy."

"Mu Xin will like it very much," Song Jiumei declared with a bright smile.

"I cannot be too bothered whether she likes it or not."

"Mu Gu said she liked the champion's design very much, but no one knows who that person is."

Song Jiuyue had a distant look of longing on her face, "If I knew who that person was, I would definitely want to learn about retro design from her."

Song Jiumei smiled, "That's right. Gu Group has been focusing on retro designs for the last two years. If you could shine in this area as well, Young Master Gu would definitely be surprised by your talents in this area."

Mu Xin's birthday party was held on a beautifully decorated, luxurious yacht. The guests were all influential people from the highest levels of society, for Mu Gu's grandfather had been a General of high caliber. Moreover, Mu Xin's boyfriend was General Cheng's son. Most of the guests who attending were there to give Old General Mu and General Cheng face.

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