Before riverdale pt.3

Start from the beginning

"just a little nervous, oh I knew you cared about me" I said.

"no, i'm the one who has to clean up, if you are feeling sick, don't puke", arg now I know happy again, for a split second I thought he cared, oh well the plane is amazing, I chose to sit next to happy.

"why are you sitting beside me?, you have a whole plane with seats, thats why its called private plane, now go sit somewhere else" he said, okay mr cranky pants, I found another seat, but I was still so pumped for my first flight that I coudnt sle.... zzzzzzzz

Okay, this hotel is amazing, Mays and mine place could fit inside of this 2-3 times, I saw a door and opened it and saw happy standing there "what are you doing?, this is my room yours is over there and that door leads to a gift from mr Stark", I left without a word, to take a look at Tonys gift, it came in a suitcase, which required my handprint I opened the case and out came this new fancy looking suit, with new webshooters and a note from Tony 'time for an upgrade, bring it tommorow', oh right the stopping captain America part, WHAT is that already tommorow?.

The AirPort the next day.

Okay, this is crazy, why are we even fighting amoungst ourself, I fought they were supposed to be friends?

I keep telling myself, that I have one job and that is to impress Tony, I have been hiding from sight, so no one from either team knows i'm there, Tony told me he would yell underroos when he needs me, to think I could have sat at home and made LEGO with Ned, damn now I wan't that LEGO death star, Ned and I have talked about for the past year, but neither one of us have had the money to buy it, okay this is boring, how long have I been hidden fo.... "okay this have gone on long enough underroos", oh crap thats my line.

I swung in and stole captain America's sheild and webs his hands together, "hi everyone i'm Spiderman" I said and waved at everyone present, the buzz in the back of my mind went into overdrive, I didn't react on time, this little man turned into a man sized man and punched me in the face (okay that was just rudd, I haven't even done anything to him), I then chased bird brain and metal arm through the terminal, or they ran in the terminal and I swung outside, when I saw my opening, I gained a little momentum and crashed through the window, I think the guy with the metal arm is bucky, captain America's old friend, he tried to punch me, but I caught it "dude, you have a metal arm that is awesome".

Bird brain came flying through the air, and sent all three of us crushing down towards the floor below, my spidersense tingled, when this huge sign came flying through the air, I dodged it, " hey I think you lost this", I said as I threw it through the air back at bucky, I was gaining the upperhand on them, but as they say pride will be your downfall, I had pinned both bucky and birdbrain to the ground, I didn't even see this stupid ass robot thing coming, it grapped my wrist and send me flying out of the AirPort.

I also thought, as naive as I am, that I could take on captain America, "your just a kid" Steve said.

"a kid whos going to kick your ass grandpa" I answered, I webbed his hands up and almost got him pinned, then he used his momentum to pulled the webbing towards him, with me included, and he gave me a roundhouse kick to the chest, I flew into the nearby thing (the thingy people use to walk onto the flight, sorry i'm in a little to much pain now, to remember whats its called, okay sue me, dont actually sue me, i'm only in High School, sorry), then he grabbed his sheild, threw it at the thingy, and got the whole thing to fall down on me, right about now, i'm super happy for this little thing called spider strenght.

"you got heart kid, I will give you that, where are you from?" He asked.

"Queens" I answered with strain in my voice, this thing was getting really heavy

"Brooklyn" he answered and left, he seems like a cool guy, wait he dumped this thing on me, he didn't even know how strong I am, OH MY GOD, you jerk you tried to kill me.

After my run in with captain America, that was when everything turned from i'm having an okay time (eventhough grandpa tried to squish me) to i'm going to fight a freaking titan (now I know why they hate the titans in attack on titan).

Phew i'm getting tired, how the hell do they do this?, without a rest or stop for a water or snack break.

Holy cow, okay small dude is big now, guess I have to get back in there, I swung around the AirPort and tried to web his helmet, so he couldnt see us, Tony and Rhodey flew around him and tried to shot him down, at one point giant-dude, tried to hit Rhodey with a freaking bus, but he shot the bus to pieces by using all of his firearms all at once, I kinda have an idea, well this might be crazy, maybe it will work, it worked in Star wars.

"hey guys have you ever seen that really old movie Empire strikes back?" I asked as I ran along the wall and swung around, to Dodge his giant hands, I was going to be a sqished spider.

"Tony how old is this guy" Rhodey asked in an annoyed voice.

"I dont know he is on the young side" Tony answered.

"well remember that scene where Luke used his x-wing to shoot cabels on the giant robots legs and it falls over?", I started to web his legs up and Tony and Rhodey pushes him down, it is a success, until his giant hand hits me and I got send halfway through the AirPort.

Tony lands beside me seconds after I land, I try to stand up again and he puts me down and says "you did good kid, now the grownups will deal with the rest".

no Tony, I can still fight", I said eventhough I could barely stand up again.

"no you are done for today, get some rest or i'm calling your aunt" Tony said as he took flight once again, on second thought maybe a rest might not be to bad.

Queens, New York

"Hey mr Stark when will the next 'retreet' be", I asked Tony.

"I dont know kid, just dont do anything I wouldn't do, just keep to the street level crimes for now, and we will see about it", Tony replied and tried to go in for a hug, I immedialy returned the hug.

"this isn't a hug kid, I just tried to open the door for you, out you go, oh and keep the suit its a thank you gift for your help in Germany" Tony said.

"thank you so much mister Stark I won't let you down" I answered.

Parker residence, queens, New York

"Hey May, i'm home" I yelled through the appartment, she came around the corner, and saw my face.

"who hit you?, was it Ryan from across the street I will talk to his parents", she said as she walked towards the kitchen to get some frozen peas, which I learned is a miracle cure for bruises, when she returned she aske once again

"who was it?" She asked again, (shes using her mom voice, ruuuun).

"Steve from Brooklyn, you wouldn't know him" I answered, I walked to my room and jumped straight for the bed, she poked her head through my door, and threw the peas to me.

"okay tough guy, sleep well, I love you" May said in a loving voice.

"thank you, I feel like I could sleep for a week, I love you to May" I answered.

A spider in riverdaleWhere stories live. Discover now