Immortals Don't Cry

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Just a warning, there is a bit of violence in the beginning.

{Chapter 1}

September 12, 2001

He sat in the small diner, sipping on the cup of hot water, grumbling about days gone by. Why couldn't he have listened to his partner, stayed sane, stayed a Hunter? No, he had to be a vigilante, go after a vampire on his own, for revenge. And where had it got him? Hunted. And he was tired of running.

Looking around the small diner, he took in his surroundings. It was late at night, close to midnight, the sun clearly gone and the moon casting a faint light into the building. A small restaurant, one waitress, one cook. Two customers, other than himself, a mom and a young boy. He studied them for a moment. The woman was dressed middle class, with short brown hair pulled into a messy pony tail. Her features were soft, but she had a look of concern, edged with chagrin. The boy wasn't very old, most likely years before his teens. His hair was also mussed, his clothes in a slight disarray. One arm was in a cast, and from the smell of it, a new one. Scratches and dirt marred the boys features, and his clothes were smudged with dirt and flecks of bark.

A closer inspection showed angled green marks and tufts of fur. The woman reached up and ruffled the boys hair, and he heard the soft sigh and almost smiled when she kissed the boys forehead, and the boy rubbed it off. Focusing on the young boy, his mind wandered, and the boys image wavered. He heard a window open, a small voice call out "Come kitty, come! Too high, get out of the tree! Bad Kitty." Smiling, he let the picture fade away, he could guess the next few moments without needing a detailed viewing.

He missed days like that. Give or take, any day you could walk away from, and fall asleep without worrying, was a good day. What he would give for one nights rest. To really sleep. He ran a hand through his hair, noting how long it had grown in the last few years. Constantly running had him seriously lacking in the hygiene department. At least he didn't smell. He paused and sniffed himself.

~Thank God for that~

It was bad enough he was shaggy and unkempt, the last thing he needed was to reek of his last sleeping area, or like his last meal. Glancing up he noticed the waitress staring at him. She was petite, mid forties, with wild curly brown hair piled on the top of her head. He tried to smile, but nothing happened, she rolled her eyes and walked away. Had she caught him smelling himself? He shuddered. He wished there was more on the market than homeless people and drunk or drugged up stragglers. And he had no intention of biting the lovely mom, or her son. Young blood wasn't appetizing and held no nutritional benefit for him. The thought mad him nearly gag. The waitress and cook were off limits too, cancer and pregnant. He rubbed a hand over his face, then settled back in to staring at his now half empty cup of water.

The faint ding of the bell above the door barely gained his notice. He heard voices chatting softly, and two people passed him to sit at the booth at the end of the diner. He had a vague sense of some illness, and a scent, too tantalizing to be real. He glanced out of the corner of his eye at the table. There was a short man, late thirties, his hair buzzed quite short. He was stocky in build, and seemed to be smiling, though no happiness emanated from him. Turning a bit more, he saw the second person. A woman, tall enough to just reach his shoulders, with lightly colored hair and pale skin. Shrugging off her jacket, she turned, folding it neatly and placing it the chair next to her. She glanced up, nearly making eye contact with him, and smiled. He almost looked away. Almost. Grey, her eyes had been silvery grey. He still watched out of the corner of his eye.

She sat down, pulling off her scarf. Her dark golden hair was pinned into a bun. It had probably been like that most of the day, as now there were tendrils of hair falling out and brushing her neck. Pale skin pulled tight as she leaned to the side. Soft pale skin..... His stomach pinched but he ignored it.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2010 ⏰

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