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It’s not like he doesn’t want to hang out with both of them at the same time. It’s just that, Taeyang feels like an eavesdropper sometimes, catching snippets of their conversations about the company and new dance routines and songs and it makes him feel inadequate.

Besides, it’s nice to have Youngkyun’s attention all to himself. He can say the most random of things and Kyunnie (that’s what he calls him in his head) would have this look of pure concentration and wonder on his face and he would smile that gummy smile that Taeyang liked seeing most. He didn't even know why but he feels really happy whenever Kyunnie's around.


Chani and Youngkyun were talking to each other but as soon as he approached, the two broke apart and gave him awkward smiles and high fives. Taeyang didn’t think much of it that was somehow the norm. He just returned their greeting and they were on their way.

They didn’t really have any particular place in mind, just three friends going out to enjoy the warmth of spring. They passed by a cherry blossoms park and decided to stay for awhile. There were plenty of street vendors around, from snacks to small accessories and there were even mini games and stuff. An hour passed without them realizing it and for Taeyang, it might be the happiest he had felt in a while.

"Oh! You're Hwiyoung oppa!" a girl suddenly exclaimed just as they were exiting the park.

Within seconds, Chani and Hwiyoung were surrounded by a group of girls, giggling and chattering excitedly.

“Oppa, congratulations! We heard that you’re going to debut soon!" one girl said before Taeyang was nudged to the side.

He stepped away and gave the girls their time with their precious oppa all the while watching his friends. Chani and Hwiyoung were smiling and nodding at all their statements in a polite way. He smiled at how absurd everything is and the feeling of how different their worlds actually were hit him hard that he doubled over, hand cluthing at his chest.

"Taeyang-ah, are you okay?" Hwiyoung as suddenly there, hoisting him up gently. Taeyang nodded, not trusting himself to speak as Chani approached, the gaggle of girls following the two.

"I'm so sorry. We have to go, our friend isn't feeling well... but uhmm, i could take pictures with you guys?" Chani said as Youngkyun led Taeyang towards one of the park benches.

"Yah, what happened back there," Youngkyun asked as they sat down. "Are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah.. i just.. felt suddenly dizzy," Taeyang lied looking at Chani, trying his hardest to please the girls.

"The truth, Taeyang-ah," Youngkyun said, reaching out to grab his right hand. "You sometimes wring your hands when you're telling a lie," he continued. "But i'm not mad at you.. just, i want you to be honest with us... with me"

Youngkyun intertwined his fingers with Taeyang's as his thumb drew small patterns on his hand. Taeyang looked up at guy and there was a thoughtful expression on his face. A gust of wind blew and carried with it soft, pink petals in the air. Youngkyun looked up then, a smile on his face as he watched the petals swirl gracefully towards the ground.

"It's beautiful," Youngkyun remarked and Taeyang could only nod. But he wasn't looking at the shower of cherry blossoms that enveloped them, he was looking at Kyunnie with a warm and aching feeling inside his chest.

Youngkyun turned to look at him then, the smile still on his face.

"I like you, Taeyang-ssi," Youngkyun said suddenly

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