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The new guy reminded Taeyang of a flower arrangement he once saw on a magazine. It was a winter centerpiece- peonies, dusty millers, pine sprigs and paper whites- giving off the feeling of walking through the woods in winter. The piece looked cold and bleak and uninviting and yet there's a certain beauty to it. And the more one stares at it, the more each piece pops up and blends with all the other, completing an almost magical picture.

"-nice to meet you all," the guy said with a bow.

Taeyang blinked, bringing himself back to reality. The guy was now walking towards the only empty chair in the room which happened to be beside him. He met the guy's eyes and gave a small smile, if only to be polite. After which, Taeyang resumed reading his book.

By lunch time, the whole school was buzzing about the transfer student. Everywhere Taeyang went, girls were gathered in groups, giggling and blushing and he was surprised that even some of the guys were talking about him. From what he'd heard, the guy got into some kind of reality show but was eliminated or something like that.

He didn't really care. Taeyang even blanked out when the guy was introducing himself in class. Still, it confused him coz some people are referring to him as Hwiyoung while some others are calling him Youngkyun.

Whatever, Taeyang thought. He had no plans to get close to the guy. Besides, he was sure that the guy would be friends with the popular people at school.

The final bell rang and he slipped out of the room. Chani has been practicing almost everyday for the school play so they couldn't hang out much. Still, he was happy coz then he could slip inside the Drama Club's old room and have fun.

An old broken piano was at the far end of the room on top of which were papers and cloths that were used as stage props. There were a few benches here and there and there was a wide open space in the center. An old guitar was propped against the wall just beside the piano and Taeyang went and grabbed that and sat on the floor.


Hwiyoung was trying so hard not to freak out. He was lost. All the hallways look the same to him now and the sun is already setting.

"I should've accepted their offer to tour me around," he muttered as he turned another hallway. This one was no different from the other, although it's a little bit darker. He shivered thinking of all the horror movies set in school hallways. Hwiyoung was about to turn back when he heard it - the strumming of a guitar and a hum.

He froze in his steps, mind going into overdrive thinking of all the possibilities of where that sound is coming from. Suddenly, the humming stopped and there was actual singing. He breathed a sigh of relief. He followed the sound and entered a room with stuff pushed towards one corner and a boy sitting in the middle of the floor with his back to him - singing in the most beautiful voice he has ever heard.


Taeyang jumped, the guitar sliding on the floor. The clapping behind him stopped followed by muttered apologies. He stood up and picked the guitar up, inspecting it carefully. There's only one person who knows where he usually is and that person is supposed to be in the middle of practice.

"Yah, Chani-yah! What did i tell you about surprising me?!" He turned and was suddenly taken aback. The new student was standing there with his head bowed.

"I'm sorry. I thought you were my friend," Taeyang said immediately.

The guy looked up at him with, "And i'm sorry for surprising you. I was... lost, actually and then i heard you singing. You were amazing by the way,"

"Thanks," Taeyang replied. He didn't know why but that comment made him feel warm. "You said you were lost?" he asked.

The guy nodded. "I was exploring the school, i guess and then i turned a corner and well... i'm here,"

Taeyang nodded as he propped the guitar back against the wall. "I know. I also got lost my first time here. Anyway, if you like, i'll show you around tomorrow?"

The guy's eyes shone brightly and it somehow reminded Taeyang of a kitten.

"I'd love that," the guy replied with a wide smile. "I'm Youngkyun, by the way,"

"Taeyang," he said extending his hand. "So, Youngkyun, let's go home?"

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