1 - The Meeting

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Chapter One

Holly's POV

"Holly, come on!" I heard my mom calling me.

Today was Day One of summer vacation. It was also early in the morning - 7am. My family and I are currently in the sunny state of California, away from the Canadian cold where the weather was always miserable. There was rarely any sunshine where we lived, while this western state had enough to cause global warming.

"Yeah, coming!" I hollered back, hopping up and down, trying to pull on my converses.

I ran out our hotel room, slammed the door and bolted down the hallway, catching my family just before they got on the elevator.

"Geez guys, can't you slow down?" I puffed trying to regain my breath.

"We're already late. Can't you change into your clothes faster?" Angie asked with fake anger.

"You're a slow runner too," JoJo inputed.

Angie and JoJo were twins.

Angie is a shy and unconfident bookworm, but she can be really talkative when she wants. You would probably only ever hear her talk comfortably when she obsesses over her fandoms. She could go on and on about books and fictional characters, but out in public she's quiet. Sometimes you'd forget she was actually there.

JoJo, on the other hand, was outgoing and loud. She's the flirt of the family. Almost every year she would rave about a boy she just met. If you were to go out with one of them, you would probably pick her, mostly because trouble follows her, but wherever trouble is there is probably fun and excitement. I'm not trying to pick sides, but honestly there couldn't be a more opposite pair of twins out there.

Most people can't tell them apart unless you look really close. Then you would notice that Angie's blonde hair was a bit paler and lighter than JoJo's. And JoJo's green eyes are slightly lighter than Angie's. I didn't inherit our dad's green eyes or my mom's blonde hair. Instead, I got my dad's dark brunette hair and my mom's aqua blue eyes. 

Basically, I pale in comparison to the wonder twins. Angie has the brains and JoJo has the looks, I don't think I could be any less boring than I already am.

We were on our way to Disney, a place where "dreams came true". Yeah, right. The only dreams I had were getting into a decent college and having that normal white-picket fence family. Whereas Angie would become some famous author writing the next Harry Potter series and JoJo would become a successful actress staring in all the newest Block Buster movies.

Before we even arrived in the States, we quickly decided that California was the place to be this summer and if we wanted to go on any of the rides we would have to purchase a Fast Pass ticket. So evidently, we went to buy ourselves one first.

"You three go and have fun, okay?" Dad said, smiling. "Give us a call if there's any trouble."

"And meet up at the train station at 5:30 for dinner, remember to eat lunch too," mom put in happily.

"Okay. Bye. Love you," the three of us said in unison. Two of us might be twins, but we have the same blood running through all of us.

Mom and Dad walked away from us to watch some family friendly shows.

"We have to go to Space Mountain as many times as we can today! First one to throw up loses and owes the winners a treat of their choice! " Jo squealed with delight.

Not only was she the trouble child, she was also a huge thrill seeker, hence the trouble. Luckily, we were all equally competitive and this was just another day living with two other siblings.

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