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I look up at the empty stand. Where a stone Raven usually stood. I grab my communicator and contact Robin. As soon as he answers I start talking.

"She's gone we need to find her."

Robin looked confused,"Who's gone?"


In the background a small voice started talking," Friend Raven is alive?"

"I guess so Star. We need to search for her in the city. Go get the others." Star nodded the most confident she has been in a long time.

"Okay meet you at the park,"Robin said back to me.

I made my way to the park and go to the fountain waiting for the rest of the team. The girl from the gas station was sitting at the fountain with a book in her hands (she be readin' Percy Jackson).

"Hey stranger,"I call out.

She looks up then goes back to her book.

Without looking up she starts talking,"What are you doing here?"

"Just looking for an old friend,"I reply.

"Well that's specific,"she says sarcastically.

"Well it's super hero business," I tell her.

"Okay, whatever you say,"she says unimpressed.

"Well I better get going,"she said that and took off.

A few minutes later the rest of the Titans found me.

"Tell us exactly what happened,"Cyborg urged.

I told them everything. Everyone gained hope from my story, everyone except Terra.

"We have to search the city,"Robin ordered.

"Why do we have to find her? She betrayed us. She went with Slade," Terra said with bitterness.

"I've done the exact same thing. She saved us in the end remember," Robin counteracted. She sighed and gave in.

The team split up to check the whole city.

I checked the park and saw the girl again. Its like this chicks is everywhere. She is sitting on a bench still reading. I walk up to her and sit beside her.

"Are you stalking me?"she asked engrossed in her book.

I laugh and reply,"No just looking for my friend. Hey I never got your name."

She hesitated,"I'm Rachel."

"I'm Garfield,"telling her my name with a huge grin.

"Cool,"she said with sarcasm littered in her voice.

A quick idea comes to my head. I snatch her book from her hand and wave it above her head.

"Hey! Give it back!"she shouted.

"Come on Rachel, loosen up a little,"I  tease.

"Please don't make me get mad at you,"she pleaded.

"Oh yeah what will you do?"I ask.

"Just Don't Make Me MAD!"she yelled her voice changing.

Then I realized,"Raven?"

"I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt but you are still insuffable," she said walking away.

"Wait,"I yelled grabbing her hand pulling her ring off. In an instant her appearance changed. Her hair was purple, her skin skin became chalk, and her makeup faded.

She grabbed her book and ran,"I'm sorry,"she whispered.

I grab my communicator. "I found her," I shout into the device.

Reverse (A Bbrae Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz