Freddie Mercury

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(Just so you know Freddie is my favorite member so get ready to hear his whole fucking life story)
Freddie was born on September 5th 1946. His real name is Farrokh Bulsara. And he's originally from Zanzabar (not the UK) Freddie got the name from his friends from school. First they called him Fredrick, then Fredrick soon became Freddie. (Don't know where Mercury came from) Freddie was the cutest baby (don't fight me on this)  his baby picture even won a reward and is on the hall of fame.  Also his voice is untouchable❤️
His stage presence was... I can't explain it AMAZING
He could lift his hand up and all the people in the crowd would start cheering
Also when ever Freddie went shopping he would want everything fucking thing in the god damn store 😂
Freddie had four extra teeth growing in the back and he didn't wanna fix it because he was afraid that if he fixed it it would have had a change in his voice
Also he painted his left hand black while Brian painted his right hand white
His favorite food was ribs with onion sauce, chilly, Chinese food, spicy foods
His favorite chocolate was Godiva Belgian chocolate
His favorite animals was cats
His favorite colors was white,black,yellow,red and pastel colors
His favorite singers were Michael Jackson, prince, John Lennon, Elvis Presley
And he's a fucking god at piano
(Don't fight me on this)
And he was scared of bikes
Sadly we all know that Freddie didn't have any children of his own
Sadly he passed away on November 24 1991 because of an ammonia because of AIDS.
(But he is an uncle of 2 kids)

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