12 | The Sixth Sense

Start from the beginning

Will shrugged, "I mean he's been nicer to you."

"He was a dick when I first got here, now he's just being civil. He's been practically forced to hang around me, I don't think that qualifies as him liking me."

Annika shook her head, disagreeing with Max, "Think about it, he's been staring at you these last few days longingly, almost like he wants to talk to you. You cannot tell me he hates you, especially now."

Max brushed it off, the idea of Mike liking her seemed impossible, even more so because Max was almost completely sure that Mike and Eleven were soulmates, destined to be together forever, with nothing or no one being able to break their bond. It was the type of love were nobody else mattered except for them.

"I don't want to talk about this anymore," Max said, standing up and grabbing her skateboard.

Annika laughed, "Ok Max, don't forget about the musical next week, you have to be there."

Max gave her a thumbs up as she skated away, she faintly heard Will ask Annika why he wasn't invited, but she was too far away to hear the answer.

Riding through the streets of Hawkins, wind whipping past her, red hair flying behind her, the world moving rapidly fast beneath her feet, Max never felt more free. She loved the feeling she got while skateboarding, a feeling of freedom, and security. She felt like if she wanted to, she could just skate out of Hawkins and leave everything behind, discover new places, see different cultures, meet new people, she felt like she could do it all. But something was holding her back, somehow she just couldn't get herself to actually go through with it, she didn't really have a reason to stay, but something wasn't letting her give up.

Right now, however, she didn't feel secure at all, instead, she felt unsafe. Being thrown into the world of the upside down had made her more conscious and more aware of her surroundings, it was almost like she had gained a sixth sense, letting her know when a situation was dangerous, or when something felt a little off. She was getting that very same feeling now, she felt like she was being watched. Scanning the area around her she felt the familiar sense of dread creep up her stomach, she wasn't just being paranoid, she rounded the corner and was greeted with the sight of the dreary white van she had seen weeks ago at Mike's house. She rode past it slowly, hoping to be able to read the lettering on the side, but to no avail, the words were scratched out, almost as if someone had purposely done it.

Feeling slightly creeped out, Max rode a bit faster, and took the next turn, thinking the truck was gone, but before she could let out a breath, she heard the engine roar to life and could make out the van's headlights as it approached her. She was being followed. Max wasted no time in, picking her skateboard up and fleeing into the woods. The only way they would be able to get to her is if they got out of the van and physically started chasing her.

She had been in these woods multiple times before, and easily found her way back home, she peered through the branches making sure the street was void of a certain white van, before she skated home, the uneasy feeling of being watched never leaving her the entire time.

If there was one rule Max followed, when it came it to dealing with anything suspicious in Hawkins, whether it be connected to the upside down or not, was that you always tell someone, and that was exactly what she was going to do. 

I've updated twice this summer, that's not good, at all

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I've updated twice this summer, that's not good, at all. Anyways new chapter, sorry for no Mike and Max interaction these last couple chapters, they'll be back next chapter. I hope you guys liked the chapter, i'm ready for my dosage of Madwheeler next chapter.  All the love. Thanks for reading! 

I recently created a new book called 'Castle Of Dreams' which is a graphic/plot shop and misc. so if you're interested in that, go check it out.



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