Practice battle

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As the other boys parked their tanks in the garage and they went to their dorms Kay walked up to Thomas and asked him something.
Kay:hey, thomas may I ask you something?
Thomas: sure what is it.
Kay: I just wanted to ask you some questions?
Thomas: ok, Kay.
As they walked off to Kay's office they left the vice commanders behind.
Justin: hey, Ethan what do you think Kay needed Thomas for?
Ethan: I don't know, but I think I'm going to get something to eat, hey do you know were is a good place to eat at.
Naomi: yeah, just right down the road from here is a burger joint.
Ethan: ok, thank you, hey do you guys want to come along?
Naomi: sure.
As they walked to the restaurant, Thomas and Kay were at the discussion about there tanks.
Kay: so tell me, how did y'all get a m1 abrams.
Thomas: it's a older model that the army was retiring, so we took it and modify it to not have depleted uranium in its armor.
Kay: oh, so what made your school go co-ed?
Thomas: it's a interesting story, but long I might have to tell you later.
Kay: ok, so why does the jagdtiger have Korean War look to it with the tiger painted on it?
Thomas: oh we just did that for fun.
Kay: so how about this, we have a mock battle your tanks vs mine.
Thomas: so 9 vs 9.
Kay: yep, so how about tomorrow then after school.
Thomas: ok I think we can do that.
As the day went on the boys were told about the match and prepared their tanks for the match tomorrow.
Next day
When school ended the tankery club went to the ware house and prepared for the fight today. As both teams got ready they went other their plans.
Thomas: alright the plan is this, we use the m4 to lure tanks into this valley and then the heavy guns to take out as many we can if some manage to get out of the trap the M1 and t-62 will fire as the rest of you get into a good firing position, but most importantly try to take out the firefly as fast as possible got it.
Everyone: yes sir.
As the match began the m4 was spotting while the others went into firing positions. Justin popes his head out the turret to see where the enemy tanks when he spotted them he counted 7 moving in a column with the firefly.
Justin: hey Stan load ap round, Kyle aim for the lead tank, and kenny contact the commander that we found them
Eric: what sould I do commander?
Kyle: just stay quite you fatass.
Eric: hey don't call fat you fucking Jew.
Justin: would y'all please shut up. Eric just be prepared to get the fuck out here when fire.
Eric: alright.
Justin: on my command, fire!
Kyle: on the way.
Justin: alright they're all coming now let's get out of here, Eric.
Eric: yes sir.
Kenny: muffled speech.
Justin: rotate the turret so we can fire at them.
As the were being chased Kay got Alisa on the radio.
Kay: hey are y'all in position seven of our tanks are moving in.
Alisa: yeah, my Sherman and our new m26 Pershing tank are position.
Kay: maybe they might be the valley were they can all struck us at once.
Naomi:over the radio, maybe your right.
As the chases made its way into the valley Justin turned the turret forward and the Alisa Sherman and a the Pershing.
Justin: oh shit, Kenny tell the commander they have a Pershing.
Kenny: muffled speech
As Thomas received word of the Pershing he contacted all the tanks with the heavier guns on them.
Thomas: alright aim for their Pershing and firefly and then aim for the Sherman tanks.
Everyone: yes sir.
When Justin's tank was surrounded all the tank came other the hill with the jagdtiger hitting the Pershing and knocking it and the stug 3 hit the firefly with another confirmed kill.
Kay: status report.
Pershing commander: we have been takin out ma'am.
Naomi: same here.
Alisa: WHAT, we lost both of them.
Just then the t-62 shot and hit Alisa Sherman and knock out.
With in a few minutes all of kay's tank were taken out along with Justin Sherman due to friendly fire. As the match ended the boys tanks towed the shermans and Pershing tank back to garage for repair.
Justin: I can't believe you shot at us.
Gabriel(jagdtiger gunner): hey, I'm sorry I just saw it and I thought enemy tank.
Thomas: hey now stop giving Gabriel a hard time alright he took out the Pershing tank.
Justin: yeah I guess that's fine, I guess.
As Thomas walked back to the abrams, Kay walked up to him.
Kay: hey, you did pretty well out their.
Thomas: thank's, I was surprised when I was you had a Pershing tank.
Kay: oh yeah we bought from all-stars university.
Thomas: you mean the school that houses the shimada style of sensha-dō?
Kay: yep.
Thomas: actually I got a packet from the chiyo shimada her self to join their school when I came to Japan last year.
Kay: really?
Thomas: it was back when I came to Japan and I started tankery in America a year prior to that and the heads of the sensha-dō wanted to consult with them about coming over for a year to do co-Ed team all them agreed except one person and that was Shiho nishizumi.
Kay: oh, I can understand why she wouldn't like that.
Thomas: yeah I guess she just like, very traditional, I guess.
As they got some of their tanks repaired they all left to go home.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2020 ⏰

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