Ready for rounds

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Laying here next to you can't get any better. Especially since the way you touch me is like none other. Gliding your hands all over my body making me  aggravatingly want you to just take all of me because baby I'm yours. kissing me so passionately as I feel the room becoming hot and stemy, or maybe its just me hot and ready for your loving baby.rubbing your fingers through my hair kissing on my neck giving me the desire to feel your beautiful curves against my body with no brakes nor speed limits. One hand on my shoulder while I'm laying flat on my back as you put your clit against mine and we began sending each other the sweet sensation of a life time. Unable to control the sounds that's escaping my mouth I let out a loud moan. hearing your breathing pattern change as you began to moan as well sounding like a sweet serenade. I wrap my arms around you holding you by the waist, gripping tight as you slide your index finger in me feeling my warm dripping wet juices you have juiced. I insert one finger inside of your sweet tightness to feel your juicy wet throbbing sweetness as you began to ride my fingers and bite on my neck.  The both of us Trembling and shaking around the same time from busting our first nut together. The way you look at me and smile tells me that was only the beginning of what just happened. You get out of bed and step out of the room for a few seconds and come back with ice just so you can do that thing we like. Taking the ice rubbing it from my neck as it begins to melt because of my body heat,across your nipples making them hard but yet still so beautiful over to my nipples. With a mouth full of ice,a cold tongue and freezing  cold tongue ring I put my mouth against your clit. seeing you wiggle and shake and whine made me ready for round two even   more. beep beep beep beep goes my alarm clock as this was all just a dream.

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