28:"Everything about this is extremely illegal."

Start from the beginning

"Don't they always?" Luke joins in the gossip.

Jake turns to look at him. "Maybe it's because he just came down from the room with Renee after being gone for like...thirty minutes?"

They both look at me with pursed lips.

"What? We just smoked weed, relax. Didn't do anything." I say.

"It's never 'nothing' with you two." Luke tells me and Jake agrees.

I roll my eyes and take a sip from my water bottle, just as the principal steps on stage and the music dies down.

"Alright everyone, this is the moment you've been all waiting for."

I put my phone down on the table and it buzzes again.

Niall: wanna know a secret

I sigh and type 'mhm?'

Niall: I lowkey want my fingers inside you rn

I have to lock my phone for a few moments because it's too much.

Rey: you're drunk

Niall: so?

Before I can type though, the principal is about to announce the freshmen king and queen, so I put my phone back on the table and turn around to face the stage.

"This year's springtime king and queen are....Jason Parker and Lilly Horan!"

I scream and stand up clapping, extremely happy.

"YAAAAAAS!" Jake yells and Luke whistles as we watch the two of them get up on stage to get their crowns.

They come over to us as they announce the sophomores, all smiley and my heart melts.

"I'm so happy right now." Lilly laughs and Jason kisses her temple, which makes me hate them a little bit because they're so happy.

"Can I please get your attention? There's two more people left to announce." The principal says into the microphone when it starts to get way too loud.

"The springtime senior king is...Niall Horan!" he says and the whole room claps, screaming and cheering. Jesus.

Niall gets on stage and accepts the crown, but not before stumbling a bit, which makes everyone laugh.

"And the springtime senior queen is...Perrie Edwards!"

I smile and clap, even though I kind of feel sad because I really wished I'd won. I've never won anything like this in my life and I know my mom would actually be really proud.

The music starts up after two minutes and I decide to go to the bathroom to freshen up. And maybe also sober up.

On my way to the bathroom I pass by Niall and Zoe, and I hear him tell her that she's his queen. I try to ignore the pang of jealousy in my stomach.

When I get to the bathroom it's almost empty, except for a girl dressed in a gothic dress putting on black lipstick. I try to remember where I recognize her from, but then she speaks to me.

"You should've won."

I smile at her. "Thanks."

Then it downs on me that I had detention with her at the beginning of the school year, like, six months ago, when she told me that I should get with Niall or something like that.

"Weren't you the girl who told me I should get with Niall?" I ask before I can stop myself, but oh well, I blame the alcohol.

"Yeah. And I still believe that. I saw his new girlfriend; she's a really bad version of you. Like you're coke and she's Pepsi."

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