Ehh...Just Walk It Off

Start from the beginning

"The patient suffered from two bullet wounds; one lodged in the Vastus Lateralis, and the other in the Rectus Sheath." "Luckily", you continued, " that bullet failed to puncture any vital organs, however three fractured ribs hold the risk of tearing the spleen, causing a rupture".

By the time you finished reporting your findings, the mental scans from your quirk downloaded into the computer, producing a more accurate image of their patient's body as well as the injuries you verbally described earlier.

As you slipped your finger out of the port, flicking the panel back over the opening, the nurses had already wheeled the patient out the door towards the operating room.

"We'll take your scans to Dr. (insert name)", the brunette nurse spoke, grabbing the freshly printed images. As she sped out the door, your workplace elder paused in the door frame turning to you".

"(F/n)-chan...You are a very promising future doctor. Keep up the good work." She flashed a sincere smile.

Engrossed in your work, your hand frantically scribbled on a papers below. You looked up at the head nurse as she rushed back out the door. The corner of your lips lifted into a small smirk, soaking in the rare complement your superior gave you. As you continued on your charts, you heard a familiar voice from the hallway.

"Also, Sorry for calling you in on your day off ", the said nurse called out, her voice bouncing off of the empty walls.

Your rapidly hand froze rigid in place. You stared into space, darkness enveloping your mind.

"Day Off...", the thought echoed in your head, "I completely forgot".

To be honest, you were quite embarrassed as well as disappointed that your workaholic, overachieving disposition made you forget something as precious as day off from disheartening, gloomy workplace.

You looked back down at the unfinished charts, then the digital clock of the bland-colored wall.

"Ehh", you said to yourself, "I'll finish these charts, then head home"

Timeskip 10pm

A dejected sigh left your lips as your overworked physique sauntered down the street, feet dragging into the concrete. You were only planning on doing the emergency patient's charts, but literally FIVE SECONDS after you finished, another doctor busted into the room, requesting that you scan their patient since the MRI room was occupied. You, being the suck up you are, 'gladly' took up your superior's task, dejectedly following his lead to the another empty scanning room. Then, directly after that nuisance, some nurse claimed that the file of a scan you did last week got corrupted, meaning you had to drag your aggravated ass across the campus to the MRI room for another round of eye ball radiation. Long story short, you and quirk were at your limit, indicated by a pounding headache you subdued by popping a couple Advil.

Since your quirk worked by emitting radiation from your eyes, you limited yourself to 3 scans a day to prevent overexposure. Microscopically, the radiation from your eyes mutated the cells, causing exhibit foreign traits, like reflecting light blue rays. So, in theory, if your overused your quirk without proper protection, your skin would start glowing.... and you'd be at risk for cancer... fun.

Physically and mentally exhausted, you failed to notice that you took your alternate route back to your apartment. The secondary course was a quicker commute, but it included walking through sketchy areas of the city. So, you avoided taking it whenever you forgot that time existed at your job, aka leaving the hospital at abysmal hours. Unfortunately, you played yourself, walking through the forsaken crime district... alone.

You clenched you purse against your chest, flipping your head back and forth, like a hyperactive squirrel, as you attentively searched your surroundings.

Hey, Pretty Stranger (Todoroki Shouto X Reader) {Soulmate AU}Where stories live. Discover now