The front door closes with a meek click and I can feel my skin begin to burn as if it had been dunked in acid. Alexander's eyes are locked onto my face, his gaze piercing into my skin like hooks anchoring me in place. My mouth runs dry as he glares at me with such ferocity that I find it miraculous he hasn't attempted to rip me apart with his bare hands...yet.

"Sampling sisters." He murmurs. "What an interesting way of describing your friendship." The last word falls from his lips with such venom and disdain that I can feel the burn of it on my own lips. "We really should discuss the depth and nature of your friendships Thomas, because I believe you have a different perception of them than the rest of the world."

"Alexander, it isn't what you think."

"No," he scoffs. "I think it's exactly what I think." He doesn't take a single step towards me, yet I feel cornered by him. "I don't want to ever hear you judge or condemn the decisions I have made in my love life ever again."


"You have lost all right to judge me. Sampling sisters indeed."

"It was a long time ago, I was grieving and-"

"And a pair of pretty eyes lured you into bed and you were just too weak to pull yourself away? Now, how does that sound familiar?" He takes a deep breath, schooling his expression. "We will discuss this later."


"Go to the kitchen." I blink in surprise at his interruption. "Your mother is in there waiting for you."

"Why is she still here?" I question with a grimace.

"Because she loves you and wants to apologize. She is not the only one who has apologizing to do." His eyes narrow as he watches me stand. "Consider this a warm up for when you apologize to every member of your family."

"You cannot dictate to me how to handle my family."

"I can and I am." He tilts his head slightly in the direction of the kitchen. A sense of wariness washes over me as I recognize that the only way to the kitchen is past the fuming man before me. " I will watch Martha, go do what needs to be done."

"I am not sure that I can trust you to not harm me in the process of passing you."

"Harming you has never been my intention Thomas." He replies with a note of exasperation. "Not then and certainly not now." I slowly and hesitantly make my way over to him. His eyes are locked on mine as he watches me progress across the room. Our gazes drop as I move to walk past him, halted by the firm hold on my elbow. "You are lucky that I love you, because if I didn't I could hate you for what you have put me through in the last day in a half alone."

"What are you saying, Alexander?"

"I'm saying that I love you and will continue to love you only so long as you honor and respect me, regardless of the circumstances. We are both sinners Thomas, it is time for you to cease believing you have the right to judge others." His grip on my arm tightens as our eyes clash. "You of all people know that I do not forgive easily, however my love and compassion for you has made me reconsider in your particular case."

   "I'm confused. Are you forgiving me or are you angry with me? What do you want me to do Alexander?"

   "It would be fair to say that I'm doing both. I'm furious, beyond your comprehension, but my love for you is inconvenient to my rage." His hold on me loosens so much that his fingers are slack against my arm, but I don't move away from his touch. "I want you to go and make peace with your family, and appreciate just how much I love you."

   "Was my love for you ever in doubt?"

   "It was a bit rocky for a couple hours." He confesses, eyes darting between the child and the kitchen archway. "If you had been paying attention you would have seen my worry."

   "I noticed." His eyes met mine. "You really do expect the worst of people."

   "That way I'm never surprised when people betray me."

   "You know that I'll never betray you, right?" I watch with a frown as his hand drops back down to his side. He trains his eyes on Martha as he remains painfully silent.

   "We'll see." He murmurs, walking into the den and leaving me to flounder in the archway for a moment. My chest feels as if an elephant has chosen to use me as its step stool. How could today have gone from being so perfect to dreadful all in a matter of minutes?  I rip my eyes away from Alexander, trying not to notice the natural way he sits beside Martha and dives into her game. Without a doubt, he belongs with this family and he is determined to have me fix it, whether I would like to or not. Such is his way.

   One deep breath, and one small step, and you'll be on your way. Momma had often said that to me as a boy, strange how childhood memories resurface in moments you never thought would occur. I take a breath before stepping forward into the hallway, hurling me into my mother's path, exactly where it would seem the world and this family needs me to be.

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