"I like invented her. You know what I mean?" Taylor asks.

"Ugh!" Taylor groans and drives away.

Harry walks in the door and walks through the crowd,

"Justin. I have to talk to you." Selena said drunkenly and suddenly falls to the ground.

Justin gasps as he see's her fall and bends down to see if she is okay.

I take another shot of vodka, "Hey put that down!" I yell as I see two guys throwing mom's vase back and forth.

I grab mom's vase and I put it under the sink so it's safe.

Was Harry blowing me off?

I pour myself another drink and take another drink, I walk back into the living room.

"What's up? Ella came to talk to me. Look I don't want to hurt your feelings but I only date women of color." Troye said to me and I walked away.

I walked up the stairs and go into the bathroom, I see Selena and Justin make out then suddenly pull away when they realized I'm standing here.

"Um." Selena said then slaps Justin in the face.

I walk into my bedroom and see a guy and a girl make out on my bed, "Get out." I said.

Taylor walks into the party, Harry see's Taylor and runs away up the stairs. Harry walks into Camila's room and looks around. He see's a picture of Camila and Taylor together. He moves it to the side and seems a picture of Camila really young and smiles.

I walk out of my bathroom and see Harry standing in my room, "Hey." He said.

"Hey." I said.

"I've been looking for you everywhere." Harry said.

"Me too." I said putting my cup down.

"Wow. You look um new clothes?" Harry asks.

"Thanks." I said.

"Do you want to go down stairs?" Harry asks.

"No. No let's stay here." I said grabbing his arm and we sit down on the bed.

"Thanks for getting me to come tonight." Harry said.

"Yeah, sure no problem." I said.

"I waisted too much time being pissed off at Taylor." Harry said.

"I would never lie to you." I said.

"I know." Harry said.

"Okay. So listen I did lie to you. Your totally going to laugh when I tell you." I said.

"Tell me what?" Harry asks.

"I pretend to be bad at math so you can help me. But the thing is I'm not really bad at math. I'm pretty good at math. Your kinda bad at math." I said.

Harry scoffs,

"Anyway now I'm kinda failing. Isn't that funny?" I ask.

"Wait your failing math on purpose? That's stupid." Harry said.

"No not on purpose. I just needed a reason to talk to you." I said.

"Why didn't you just talk to me?" Harry asks.

"Well I couldn't. Because of Taylor. Because you where her property." I said.

"Her property?" Harry asks.

"No. Shut up. Not her property." I said.

"Don't tell me to shut up." Harry said.

"I wasn't." I said but Harry cut me off,

"You know what? You are just like a clone of Taylor." Harry said.

"No listen to me. Your not listening to me." I said.

Oh no.

It's was coming up again.

Word vomit.

Wait a minute.

Taylor suddenly walks into the room, "What is this?" She asks.

Actual vomit

Suddenly I threw up onto Harry lap.

I run after Harry out of the house,

"Harry!" I yell.

"Harry wait!" I yell louder.

"Okay. Call me!" I yell.

Suddenly I see Ella hanging out of a car window and Todrick is driving.

Oh God.

"You dirty little liar." Ella said to me as Todrick drives up to the curb and she is standing up through the top window of the car.

"I'm sorry I can explain." I said.

Ella signs, "Explain how you forget to invite us to your party?" She asks me.

"Ella I can't stop this car I have a curfew." Todrick said continuing to slowly drive the car down the road.

"You know I couldn't invite you. I had to pretend to be plastic!" I yell.

Ella laughs, "Hey buddy you are not pretending anymore. You are plastic! Cold shiny hard plastic!" she yells.

"Curfew it is now 1:10." Todrick said still continues to drive the car.

"Oh what an awesome time. Did you drink awesome shooting and listening to awesome music and just soak around being awesome." Ella said.

"You know you are the one who made me like this so you can use me for your great revenge!" I yell.

"God at least me and Taylor Swift know we are mean. You just act so Innocent! Oh I used to live in Florida with all of !" Ella yells.

"I want my pink t shirt back!!" Todrick yells as he drives away.

I look down at what Ella threw at me and I picked up the pice of paper, I open it up and I see it's a drawing of Todrick, Ella and I.

"Why are you eating those protein bars?" Adam asks me.

"Those aren't diet bars. Couch Effron gives us those if he wants us to gain a few pounds." Adam said.

"What?!" I yell.

"They make you gain weight like crazy." Adam said.

I quickly spit it out and scream.

I go home and run into my room, I grab a picture of me and Camila. I get a pair of scissors and the burn book.

I cut the picture and glue the other half of it into the burn book,

"This stank is the fudgly bitch I have ever met. Do not trust her." I wrote into the book.

Author's Note

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